
SKIP: Students for Kids International Projects

SKIP Cardiff is a branch of ÔÇÿStudents for Kids International ProjectsÔÇÖ, a national, volunteer-led charity with branches across different universities in the UK. We aim to develop and maintain sustainable, community-based projects aimed at improving the health, education and welfare of vulnerable children.

The charity has its origins in 1999, when 5 medical students from The University of Wales College of Medicine, as it was then called, were invited to the Novinki ChildrenÔÇÖs Home outside Minsk; one of 35 orphanages in Belarus. The 200 young people aged 5 to 25 living there all had disabilities ranging from the mild to the severe; from autism and DownÔÇÖs syndrome to schizophrenia and cerebral palsy.

Many children such as these were victims of an impoverished society. Their families often lived in Minsk but were too poor to afford childcare or to remain at home to look after them. The children in the Novinki Home were regarded as objects to feed, wash & change, rather than children who deserve loving care and stimulation. The fifty ÔÇÿhigh-dependencyÔÇÖ children there were, at that point, being looked after by 2 carers who worked 24 hour shifts.

The next year, 60 students travelled out to Novinki in groups of 12 to work in the Orphanage washing the children, feeding them properly and changing them from their urine-soaked clothes.

Naomi, a member of SKIP, told gair rhydd that ÔÇÿgoing on project provided me with an amazing experience whilst being incredibly challenging.┬áIt was very rewarding to be able to make even the smallest difference to a childÔÇÖs life.[pullquote]It was very rewarding to be able to make even the smallest difference to a childÔÇÖs life. [/pullquote] Being student-run, SKIP allows for flexibility and lots of opportunities to become involved. I would definitely recommend it.ÔÇÖ

SKIP at Cardiff has been working in 2 orphanages for disabled children in Belarus for the last 13 years, aiming to reduce the stigma of disability and improve the general care of the children. Due to the project becoming unsustainable we have, unfortunately, had to withdraw from Belarus, and SKIP at Cardiff took on the name of the national body in place of their previous name, ÔÇÿBelarussian Aid for Children Cardiff Undergraduate ProgrammeÔÇÖ, or BACCUP.

Now the branch is in very exciting times as we are setting up a new project in Zambia.  In the summer just gone we conducted a research project into the possibilities and, due to the successful results, we are currently in the process of developing this new Zambian project in time for the summer of 2013.

We are now looking for anyone, of any degree discipline, who may be interested in volunteering in Zambia next summer. Health-based degree student volunteers are especially valuable. If you would like to get involved in this exciting project, please do come along to our Welcome Evening on the Tuesday 16th October at the Large Chemistry lecture theatre, Main building, at 7pm.

Alternatively, you can always check out our website or go to our Facebook group (search for ÔÇÿSKIPCardiffÔÇÖ) for more information.


About the author

Vanessa Platt

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