
Spotted: no more

The Facebook pages have become increasingly popular recently at Universities across the country, with nearly every library at Cardiff University having its own dedicated page. However, there have been growing concerns around the offensiveness of some of the comments posted on the page. Although it is not the majority, some of the comments featuring on the various Facebook pages are very derogatory and insulting, making direct comments about people personally.

The StudentsÔÇÖ Union were made aware that students, as well as staff, were feeling uncomfortable about going to the library for fear of a comment being made about them on the Facebook page. The Union advised staff to monitor the pages for offensive content.

But the Union was not able to take any serious action until official complaints were cast. Because of the nature of the Facebook page, the Union is not able to close it themselves, so is sending an email to each page, requesting for it to be deleted. After receiving two complaints from students, the StudentsÔÇÖ Union decided that the pages should be removed.

Although the majority of the pages for Cardiff University are based around the libraries, some have emerged for student halls also, for instance ÔÇÿSpotted: TalybontÔÇÖ, among others. Although the concept is the same, some of the comments posted have raised concerns as they refer to what students can see looking into other studentsÔÇÖ windows, clearly raising questions regarding the privacy of the students at Cardiff.

However, compared to some of the ÔÇÿSpottedÔǪÔÇÖ pages of other Universities, it would appear that CardiffÔÇÖs are fairly tame. Southampton and Swansea Universities pages have both been noted as posting a lot of offensive content, particularly because they have been featuring photos. CardiffÔÇÖs StudentsÔÇÖ Union was aware of other universities content, and were monitoring if offensive photos appeared on any of CardiffÔÇÖs pages.

CardiffÔÇÖs Education and University Affairs Officer, Beth Button, who is dealing with the complaints on behalf of the students, has said, ÔÇ£Whilst we appreciate that no harm may have been intended by the creation of these ‘SpottedÔǪÔÇÖ pages, clearly they have been causing upset amongst students; complaints have been received with students reporting feeling unsafe and uncomfortable about using our library facilities and this is not acceptable.ÔÇØ

She added, ÔÇ£As well as the University raising concerns about the pages, as the StudentsÔÇÖ Union, we must take into consideration the welfare of our students, especially during an important assessment period, and so we have requested the removal of the groups.

ÔÇ£Comments, which pick up on peopleÔÇÖs appearance, stature, and clothing, are highly personal and have resulted in students reporting feelings of self-consciousness and reluctance to use the libraries as they are uncomfortable. As the StudentsÔÇÖ Union, we have a duty of care to our students and need to ensure their safety when using University facilities.ÔÇØ

Welfare and Community Officer, Megan David has also commented on the matter, ÔÇ£It is disappointing to see that a Facebook page set up in jest has perhaps got out of hand and made some students feel uncomfortable studying in the libraries. I would like to think that the students who set up or are running the pages did not think they would offend anyone, and damage the safe space that libraries and computer rooms are supposed to be. If any students do feel like they have been affected by the comments made on these pages, please do not hesitate to contact me or speak to ARC or student support who can help.ÔÇØ

Whilst what is actually posted on the pages is at the discretion of the creator, it is clear that some students have not been taking into account the effect the comments could have on the person targeted.

About the author

Bethan Jones

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