
UNICEF on Campus: let’s all make a meaningful change!

Are you appalled by the injustice that more than half of the WorldÔÇÖs population has to endure? As my old mate Gandhi allegedly used to say: itÔÇÖs high time to ÔÇÿbe the change you wish to see in the worldÔÇÖ.

UNICEF on Campus gives you the opportunity to achieve something meaningful while at university and immensely improve childrenÔÇÖs conditions of living in more than 190 countries. Initially launched in the US, UNICEF on Campus is, as indicated by its name, the university branch of the worldÔÇÖs leading organisation fighting for childrenÔÇÖs rights.

Mandated by the UN, UNICEF is the only children’s charity that works hand in hand with partner NGOs and national governments to ensure that the fundamental rights to education – by training teachers or building child-friendly schools-, to protection -from facilitating the issue of birth certificates to putting pressure on governments for longer sentences for child traffickers- and to healthcare – by giving immunisation or handing out mosquito nets – are ensured. 76% of the donations directly go to their programme for children prioritising countries with low GDP, a big population and major development issues. UNICEF also has the ability to react quickly in case of emergencies. Currently the only NGO working in a politically-tense Syria and the neighbouring countries, UNICEF is providing clean water, vaccinations and counselling for children to deal with their trauma.

All this might seem quite difficult for University students to change, but one should not underestimate the impact that the things done here in Cardiff have on the other side of the planet and as part of the family that UNICEF on Campus is; we are more than determined to make a positive impact on children’s lives. Although the topics that we tackle are not light, I have never had so much fun than when taking part in our events. I can proudly say that I have burnt my hand in the oven while baking a cake, played to the merchant in almost every building of the University, said awkward stuff on Xpress, challenged myself – some would say tortured myself – living off of only ┬ú1 per day for 5 days for the Global Poverty Project’s Live Below the Line, met most of the Cardiff music scene at our annual gig and almost died on a football pitch. If I had to list all the memorable things I have experienced with UNICEF on Campus, I would have needed more than one article in Gair Rhydd. But I still have one thing to add: I have made great friends!

After being teased about all the fun we have in our society, I bet you are wondering how to get involved and be part of our family. Easy! Join us on Campus Groups and our Facebook page. You won’t be able to miss our future meetings and events, especially not the long-awaited ÔÇ£Let them be heardÔÇØ charity gig at Buffalo on Saturday 10th November, with all the local musical talents.

About the author

Vanessa Platt

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