
Xpress show nominated for international radio award

Xpress RadioÔÇÖs very own Thomas HercouetÔÇÖs show ÔÇÿThe DetectiveÔÇÖ has been nominated to win the prestigious New York Festival Award.┬á

Every year, awards are given out for Best Television show, Best Adverts, Best Radio show, and more. Thomas sent in a complete show ÔÇô the nominations have to be an hour long to enter. The show he chose to submit featured an interview with Chris Addison, English stand up comedian, writer and actor. It also featured cleverly edited clips, which made it sound as if he had interviewed both Barack Obama and the Queen. The submission also consisted of a two hundred word accompanying written passage.

The winner of the award will be announced in a couple of weeks, and their success will be awarded with a medal.

People from all over the world have submitted entries, including countries such as Afghanistan.

Ultimately, Thomas said he would love to do radio in Sweden. Part of the reason he came to England was because he wanted to try radio in English; he explained that in the UK, radio is very different because it is the presenters and the producers who are most important, whereas in France the most important people in the radio are in fact journalists.

Thomas said he only submitted the award to see if he could do it, and was over the moon when it was actually nominated for the award. However, he humorously added that winning this award would not work if he tried to hit on girls.

He said the award would be a huge milestone, help him to work in radio in France, and also make his grandma very proud of him so she will buy him chocolate at Christmas.

Finally, Thomas said, ÔÇ£So, I am supposed to write something about being nominated for an international award and stuff, but the thing is, its not about me. If I hadnÔÇÖt decided to go to Cardiff University, if I hadnÔÇÖt met amazing, talented, inspirational and massively crazy people, if it hadnÔÇÖt been for the mood and pack of fun brought by Xpress Radio and its members, nothing would have happened.┬á This nomination sounds like a recognition of these amazing times, and I am more under pressure than IÔÇÖve ever been. IÔÇÖve had a blast, and IÔÇÖll have to work very very hard to top that. Then again, you know what they say: challenge accepted.ÔÇØ


Kendal Archer

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Bethan Jones

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