Tag - Quench


Trysorau Cudd Caerdydd

Geiriau gan Catrin Lewis OÔÇÖr castell iÔÇÖr afon Taf, mae digonedd o fannau unigryw mae pawb yn eu hadnabod aÔÇÖu caru yng Nghaerdydd. Fodd bynnag, mae...


Being a Reader-Writer

By Niamh Newman As someone who studied English Literature through the entirety of secondary school, I find it difficult to write without regularly reading! In...


Our Favorite Hate Reads

By Laura Mae My favourite hate-read needs no introduction. The movies dominated basically every aspect ofsociety in the years that the franchise peaked; not...

Film & TV

Review: Spencer

By Rowan Davies ÔÿàÔÿàÔÿàÔÿàÔÿà Where the f*** am I? The first spoken line from Pablo Larra├¡nÔÇÖs Spencer, and the first sentence I muttered to myself as the...