
Chief Executive of StudentsÔÇÖ Union honoured for lifesaving rescue

 A Penarth RNLI volunteer, Mr Dunlop facilitated the rescue and aided the team by his role as a driver. His efforts will be recognised with the thanks of the Institution Inscribed on Vellum.

Mr Dunlop made up part of the team on the shore, playing a vital role supporting the group of men on the boat throughout the rescue process. He braved the flooded roads to reach the launch site, and, once there, helped to make very important decisions with the team during the incident.

Vanessa Glover, 46, was saved from floodwaters in Umberleigh, Devon in the early hours of the morning on December 23rd. Alongside Mr Dunlop, three members of the RNLIÔÇÖs Flood Rescue Team, two of whom were volunteers, will also receive awards for their outstanding bravery and successful rescue.

Mrs Glover was swept from her car after powerful floodwaters forced the car off the road. Her seven-year-old son and husband were left clinging to the vehicle as she was dragged out into the water. She managed to cling on to a branch, which prevented her from being immediately swept away down the river.

Porthcawl RNLI volunteer and Boat Team Leader Paul Eastment, 46, helmsman Chris Missen, 25, and Crew Member Martin Blaker-Rowe, 33, all took to the water to save the terrified Mrs Glover.

The waters of the River Taw had risen to a incredible 3.5 metres above its normal height, and was moving at a rate of 12 knots. Large quantities of debris were being carried in the floodwater, which posed an even greater threat to Mrs Glover.

The three men braved the floodwaters in a modified Arancia rescue boat, with Chris Missen, 25, at the helm. The water was still rising as heavy rainfall continued and lighting was poor due to the time. A bridge downstream also posed a danger, as the flood waters were moving fast enough to force a boat beneath the bridge if the RNLI members lost control of the boat at any time.

Unfamiliar with the area, they braved the water as the rescue helicopter was over an hour away and initial rescue attempts had been unsuccessful.

Chris manoeuvred the boat expertly, using only the light of the crewÔÇÖs head torches and a small spotlight. He moved it downstream of Mrs Glover and managed to maintain a steady position, no small feat in the deteriorating and difficult conditions.

Martin and Paul reached over and pulled Mrs Glover into the boat. She had been in the water for 50 minutes before they were able to rescue her. She expressed her gratitude, saying, ÔÇ£I want to thank you for your bravery, courage, determination, professionalism and commendable quality of character.ÔÇØ She added, ÔÇØI will hold you in my heart forever. Thank you for saving my life.ÔÇØ

As a result of their outstanding bravery, Paul Eastment will be awarded the RNLI Bronze Medal for Gallantry, which is one of the institutionÔÇÖs highest accolades. Both Martin Blaker- Rowe and Chris Missen will receive Bronze Medals for Gallantry.

Eastment said, ÔÇ£I was amazed and delighted, gobsmacked even, when I heard IÔÇÖd been awarded an RNLI Bronze Medal for Gallantry. For our actions during this rescue to be recognised is the proudest moment of my career. Most importantly for me was the recognition for the whole team ÔÇô the risk to all of us was significant ÔÇô and each member of the team was vital to the success of the rescue.ÔÇØ The RNLI members have been justly awarded for their bravery.

About the author

Kendal Archer

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