Tag - advice


Life after uni

By Lizzie Harrett Throughout your final year I think the best motto to refer to is the infamous Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy motto: DON’T PANIC...


Talk to people

By Sanya Arora A lot of people make the mistake of staying silent when they are having a hard time. While there is no need to post about it on social media, it...



By Sarah Harris Talking to someone about your problems can be a pretty daunting process. Before you go to counseling a dozen different thoughts run through...


Pimping out your room

By Sarah Harris Pimping out your room is hard when you’re a university student. 99% of accommodations have stupid rules about not sticking anything on...


Sleeping struggles

By Emily Murray Counting sheep not working for you? Trying to juggle your time between uni, social life, seeing family as well as dealing with deadlines...