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Ewyllys da yn yr etholiadau

Gan Osian Wyn Morgan Yr wythnos diwethaf oedd wythnos etholiadau Undeb Myfyrwyr Caerdydd, lle cafodd holl fyfyrwyr y brifysgol fwrw pleidlais er mwyn ethol...


Elections 2017: Results Day

4:30pm -┬áSophie Timbers talks to Gair Rhydd Sophie Timbers said to Gair Rhydd: ÔÇ£I have to admit that it has been an incredible week, as always. Its really...


Elections 2017: Day Five

6:00pm -┬áLet’s have a look at some stats… Overall, the candidates and students’ union have convinced more people to vote this year, with...


Elections 2017: Day Four

End of Day 4! Bit of a late finish in the Gair Rhydd office, and still a lot more work to do! Just two more days until we find out who will be running our...