Credit- Olivia Nilsen

Delilah Bon: The Freedom to be Angry and Loud

Breakthrough ‘brat punk’ sensation Delilah Bon is someone you should keep your eye on – especially if you’re a metal head!  Infusing bratty riot grrrl punk with lyrical hip-hop and hard-hitting nu-metal, Delilah Bon’s distinct musical style generates fierce anthems that will give you the freedom to be angry and loud. Her music explores important political and societal issues, honing in particularly on women’s rights … Continue reading Delilah Bon: The Freedom to be Angry and Loud

Remembering Tradition Through Classical Literature

Classical literature serves as a bridge between past and present, offering timeless wisdom, trends and narratives. But what makes these classics relevant to the contemporary era, and what defines a book as classic?  For me, the beauty of classics lies in their invocation of originality and inspiration. While narratives and traits are often inspired by pre-existing works in contemporary literature, classics serve as fundamental blueprints. … Continue reading Remembering Tradition Through Classical Literature

Culinary Heritage: Recipes That Have Been Passed Down Through Your Culture.

Food is a central aspect of every culture, yet it remains one of the most underrepresented areas in the culinary world today. Here are a few recipes that celebrate diverse cuisines and will awaken your palate. My Mother’s Lazy Nasi Lemak   I was born in Malaysia and came here to the UK when I was 6 years old. Growing up, I had always wondered what … Continue reading Culinary Heritage: Recipes That Have Been Passed Down Through Your Culture.

Parasocial Relationships: Helpful or Harmful?

In recent years, an overconsumption of media, mainly among younger generations has led to a rise in parasocial relationships. In these unrequited and one-sided relationships, members of the public obsess over influencers and celebrities, who are clueless about their followers’ existence. These relationships have sometimes proved helpful in providing a sense of community. ‘Swifties’, for example, are a massive fandom united around their shared love … Continue reading Parasocial Relationships: Helpful or Harmful?

A Sunday roast with carrots, Yorkshire pudding, broccoli and gravy

The Sunday Roast: Dos and Don’ts  

Plating the Perfect Sunday Roast What makes the perfect Sunday roast? For me, it’s all about balancing flavours, textures, and colours on the plate. Let’s start with some sweet, tender carrots and parsnips. A staple of British winters, root vegetables add a natural sweetness, which pairs beautifully with the more savoury elements of a roast. I love roasting carrots and parsnips. Roasting deepens their flavour, … Continue reading The Sunday Roast: Dos and Don’ts  

In Conversation with Blue Violet

Ahead of the release of their second studio album Faux Animoux, I caught up with Sarah and Sam Gotley of alternative, electronic rock duo Blue Violet to talk inspiration, the human race, and their upcoming UK tour. Let’s start with the new album’s writing process. Was it always such a conceptual piece of work, or something more pieced together? We really like to write a collection of … Continue reading In Conversation with Blue Violet

A cozy Cardiff cafe

Tasting Cardiff: A Culinary Journey Through the City

My secret Cardiff spot As much as I love a pint and a gossip at the Woody, or orange VKs at YOLO, it isn’t what Cardiff means to me. In years to come, I will remember a spot nested in the centre of Bute Park that is surrounded by greenery and wildlife. A place that shares its name with a Frances Hodgson Burnett book – … Continue reading Tasting Cardiff: A Culinary Journey Through the City

Galliano and McGrath: Weird Girl Couture

The 2023 ‘clean girl’ has been pierced. Make-up influencers are putting down their sad beige palettes, and painting themselves in layers of colour and gel face masks. From aloe-vera, honey, vaseline, to even egg-whites, make-up lovers have been experimenting in an attempt to achieve Pat McGrath’s iconic shiny finish. This collection marks a dramatic semantic shift for what we once thought of as ‘glass skin’, … Continue reading Galliano and McGrath: Weird Girl Couture

Nepotism Babies in the Fashion World

When I first jumped on this pitch, I actually had to have a serious think about what my opinion on nepotism really was, especially as I work quite a bit in the fashion industry – where the general attitude towards so-called nepo-babies is so negative. The unfairness of individuals succeeding in a highly competitive industry because they are the child or close relative of someone … Continue reading Nepotism Babies in the Fashion World

Amelia Wollacott – Short Story Collection.

Amelia Wollacott is currently pursuing a master’s in English Literature at Cardiff University. Amelia submitted a portfolio containing a series of short stories and flash fiction pieces. All of these pieces were written during her undergraduate degree. Here are a couple of pieces that we have selected to give you an insight into Amelia’s literary prowess. Sierra Nevada. The car engine sang to the open … Continue reading Amelia Wollacott – Short Story Collection.

The words "Are we shagging safely?" Surrounded by various illustrations of condoms, all on a green background

Sexual Health Resources at Uni: Are We Shagging Safely?

Each studentÔÇÖs experience with sexual health differs entirely, however, it is evident that practising safe sex isnÔÇÖt necessarily everyoneÔÇÖs priority. In a 2021 study done by┬áYouthSight, for the Higher Education Policy Institute, it was found that 56% of sexually active students had never had an STI test. This could be due to a variety of reasons, for instance, a lack of high-quality sex education provided … Continue reading Sexual Health Resources at Uni: Are We Shagging Safely?

Toxic Masculinity vs Movember

Words by Megan Philip We have all heard the phrase toxic masculinity often used to describe men displaying aggressive behaviours and in relation to sexual harassment. However, what is rarely discussed is the internal, negative effects it has on menÔÇÖs mental health and the ways in which it influences how men view their own masculinity.┬á What is toxic masculinity?┬á The dictionary defines toxic masculinity as … Continue reading Toxic Masculinity vs Movember

Taylor Swift and Her Literary Allusions.

Words by Gabriella Sanders. Whether or not Taylor Swift is at the top of your agenda, it is no secret that SwiftÔÇÖs stardom has taken humanity by storm. With her international Eras tour combining yearsÔÇÖ worth of genre breaking discography into one impressive three-hour performance, her music has something for everyone.   However, it is not simply the sheer diversity of music or performance stamina that … Continue reading Taylor Swift and Her Literary Allusions.

Our Journey.

Words by Ksenia Ryadnova. A writer once said “is music getting somewhere?”. A question I sometimes compare with ourselves. A dotted rhythm, a slight crescendo. The idea that one little notation can change the wholemovement of a piece entirely. A slight irregularity can make the conductor feel as if they have failed in their artistry. Failure to provide beauty, knowledge and feeling. I reconcile with … Continue reading Our Journey.

The Endless Lessons of Sex Education

For over four years, Sex Education has entertained us with never-ending drama, love triangles and shocking plot twists, yet what it means to me is almost entirely due to the development of the loveable character Aimee Gibbs. The platform that the series secured gave the writers a responsibility that I feel they approached tastefully, exploring the impact of AimeeÔÇÖs sexual assault with such rawness and … Continue reading The Endless Lessons of Sex Education

red and yellow fireworks

Celebrating Diwali

Words by Hansa Tote Diwali is known as the ÔÇÿfestival of lightsÔÇÖ (coming from the Sanskrit word ÔÇÿdipavaliÔÇÖ┬ámeaning row of lights) and is celebrated by over a billion people all over the world, all gathering to honour the triumph of good over evil and the victory of light over dark.┬á The significance of Diwali in religion  It is the biggest festival in India, being observed … Continue reading Celebrating Diwali