Are We Replacing Sex Education With PornHub?

Content warning; sexual assault, domestic violence, sex trafficking Hands up; who here remembers their sex education in secondary school being unbelievably uncomfortable? Were you forced to watch a video that was made in the 80s, left feeling confused, with the basic understanding of how to put on a condom and that was it? ItÔÇÖs no surprise that sexual health classes continue to provide unsubstantial education … Continue reading Are We Replacing Sex Education With PornHub?

The Ick: Is It Stopping People From Dating?

Words By Alice Moore The Ick –  we all get it. Whether itÔÇÖs imagining them running for the bus, to getting food around their mouth while eating, itÔÇÖs becoming so much easier to get turned off by a partner for the smallest of things. This increasingly common gag has gained a high amount of traction on social media, but although it started as an internet … Continue reading The Ick: Is It Stopping People From Dating?

What Is So Attractive About A Red Flag?

ÔÇ£Even a red flag looks pink when youÔÇÖre wearing rose tinted glassesÔÇØ – Me, after telling my friends how my newest crush leads me on and ghosts me for weeks before sliding back into my DMs like nothing happened.  However, IÔÇÖm now aware that this situation is merely the real-life sequel of all the romance novels and movies IÔÇÖve devoured in my lifetime. My dawn … Continue reading What Is So Attractive About A Red Flag?

The Benefits of Outercourse

Outercourse is a word that most people havenÔÇÖt heard of ÔÇô itÔÇÖs a term used for sex without penetration. I remember asking my flatmates a couple of months ago: do you have sex without penetration? I was met with some judgement and a few harmless jokes, but thereÔÇÖs definitely a stigma surrounding the idea of penetration-less sex, which IÔÇÖve never really understood. I left with … Continue reading The Benefits of Outercourse

The Big ‘O’ IsnÔÇÖt Always the Goal!

By Alice Moore For years, sex has been entirely based upon reaching the ÔÇÿBig ÔÇÿOÔÇÖ ÔÇô the orgasm. Sex was conceptualised as a competition with one goal only, and failing to make yourself or your partner reach this was essentially deemed as a failure; a waste of a shag. It goes without saying that this perception was (and still is!) highly patriarchal, predominantly focusing on … Continue reading The Big ‘O’ IsnÔÇÖt Always the Goal!

The Rainbow Test Tube

By Holly Chapman TW: homophobic laws, infertility. Where someone struggles with fertility and has to reach out for help when wanting to conceive, members of the LGBTQ+ community follow similar steps in their difficult journey towards parenthood. Unfortunately, their rights to conceive or have children in general, have been protested in the past. It was only in 1967 that The Sexual Offences Act decriminalized sex … Continue reading The Rainbow Test Tube

Valentine’s Special: Your Editors’ Worst Dates

While it feels like the transition between 2020 and now has been a thousand years longer than it needed to be, dating post-pandemic has definitely taught me a lot! Regardless of having done all of my dates this year with individuals I met on apps like Tinder or Hinge, I can assure you the nerves that come with meeting a stranger for the first time … Continue reading Valentine’s Special: Your Editors’ Worst Dates

Aftercare is Just As Important

By Phoebe Bowers Ever just laid there? Feeling: ashamed, naked, sweaty – feeling surprisingly empty? In my experience, so much anticipation can arise before the event, awkward flirtations, maneuvers, talk, yet so little feels gained after? You question why you even bother to keep blindly sifting across the human catalogue of Tinder, Hinge, Grindr, Bumble, *insert whatever soulless app is appropriate to your life*, when … Continue reading Aftercare is Just As Important

Image credit: Sian Hopkins

Chalk and Cheese, Chronic Illness and University

Illustration Instagram: @moonlanging.illustrations By Daisy-Mai Pulford Being a young person with a chronic illness is a challenge, filled with a feeling of dysphoria and frustration towards your own body that in my experience starting University and entering student life only emphasizes. With a longstanding diagnosis of Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS) and a brand-new diagnosis of Psoriatic Arthritis in my collection of autoimmune diseases, I started … Continue reading Chalk and Cheese, Chronic Illness and University

Is Micro-Cheating, Cheating?

By Inga Marsden From the perspective of a University student who has had a handful of relationships, I would define infidelity as engaging in anything regarding another person, of which you would not wish your significant other to find out. Now donÔÇÖt get me wrong, IÔÇÖm no saint, we all have flirtatious exchanges from time to time. But where would this be said to draw … Continue reading Is Micro-Cheating, Cheating?