Are Dating Apps Leaving Us Lonlier Than Ever?

Words by Madeline McCabe-Smith It is safe to say a significant amount of university students have dabbled in the world of online dating, whether itÔÇÖs in search of a potential life-long partner or simply out of curiosity. EveryoneÔÇÖs experience is unique, and the outcomes differ considerably. The development of technology has blessed us with the ability to discover the world of dating in a brand-new … Continue reading Are Dating Apps Leaving Us Lonlier Than Ever?

The Endless Double Date

Words by Holly Hostettler-Davies Imagine this: ItÔÇÖs 2022 and you and your partner decide to live with your best friends, who are also a couple. YouÔÇÖve been on countless meals out, days at the beach, shopping trips, walks in the park – many double dates. YouÔÇÖve even been on trips together, shared living spaces for a short time. But now youÔÇÖre going to share a … Continue reading The Endless Double Date

Queer History Month: Essentialist British History

In a meagre ten years since same-sex marriage has been recognised within UK law, the concentrated history of queer movements has been celebrated with shifts to an accepting cultural discourse. Yet this history by far exceeds the mass change and activism which has occurred across British history for the last ten years, and February acts as a necessary period of reflection, remembrance and rejoicing for … Continue reading Queer History Month: Essentialist British History

Valentines vs Galentines: Commercialising Relationships?

We asked our contributors if they were team Valentine’s, Galentine’s or against the holiday altogether: Personally, I love both Valentine’s and Galentine’s! Any opportunity to spread love and positivity to those close to me is always a winner. For many however, Valentine’s can be a lonely and stressful time for those not in relationships and this is not helped by the commercialisation of Valentine’s. The … Continue reading Valentines vs Galentines: Commercialising Relationships?

Financial Independence: What Does It Mean To Gen Z?

Financial independence ÔÇô the status of having enough wealth to pay for your living expenses for the near future without being dependent on others. But when it comes to being in a relationship, how should the finances be handled? Of course, at the end of the day itÔÇÖs down to what you and your partner feel most comfortable with, and only you know what works … Continue reading Financial Independence: What Does It Mean To Gen Z?

What Is So Attractive About A Red Flag?

ÔÇ£Even a red flag looks pink when youÔÇÖre wearing rose tinted glassesÔÇØ – Me, after telling my friends how my newest crush leads me on and ghosts me for weeks before sliding back into my DMs like nothing happened.  However, IÔÇÖm now aware that this situation is merely the real-life sequel of all the romance novels and movies IÔÇÖve devoured in my lifetime. My dawn … Continue reading What Is So Attractive About A Red Flag?

Two women - one dressed in traditional Indian clothing, second one posing in a checked dress - neither smiles

How Our Cultural Backgrounds Shape Our Perception of Love

Written by Niladri Singh Rajput Graphic* by Maja Metera If there is a common thread that holds most living beings together, then that thread is this feeling we call love. It has for generations governed the world, our believes and all of the people. The ways in which we show love is different for each one of us. We are great lovers, all of us, … Continue reading How Our Cultural Backgrounds Shape Our Perception of Love