Weve gone customising crazy at Quench Fashion! The festive period may have left you a little short on money, but your wardrobe doesnt have to suffer. Follow these three simple steps to give your ailing winter wardrobe a much needed overhaul. Glue at the ready
You will need:
┬À A pair of plain leggings.
┬À Studs (┬ú1.50 a bag from Cardiff Central Market, HaberdasherÔÇÖs stall).
┬À Fabric glue, ┬ú2.50, WilkinsonÔÇÖs. Any other type of glue will stiffen the material.
Step 1:
Place the leggings on a flat surface and find the side seam.
Step 2:
Gently dab a small amount of fabric glue onto the centre of the underside of the stud.
Step 3:
Start at the top and place a stud alongside the seam. Press for a couple of seconds. Repeat in a straight line
until both sides of the leggings are covered in the studs.