By Lauren Ryan
Festival season is upon us, and though itÔÇÖs traditionally known to be a celebration of music, festivals have become a stage to showcase our inner fashionistas. From bright neon colours to a variety of textures, thereÔÇÖs never two outfits the same at a festival. They have become a means of expressing our style and I am all here for it.
Even when we are without our phones and social media for a few days, undoubtedly when our phones lose their battery life at these festivals, the outside world still manages to creep its way back in. During these five day events, people will more often than not always pass judgements on othersÔÇÖ outfits, especially when they donÔÇÖt think it matches up with societal norms.
This festival season weÔÇÖve seen an increasing expression of our individual identities than ever before. This has especially been from male festival go-ers, who have been breaking the boundaries by wearing clothing deemed ÔÇÿfeminineÔÇÖ by society. But is there even such a thing as ÔÇÿfeminineÔÇÖ clothes? Looking at fashion from a general view, a simple t-shirt can be worn by a male or a female. Trousers fit a male body just as well as they fit a femaleÔÇÖs body. To think women are ÔÇÿableÔÇÖ to wear jeans and a t-shirt (an outfit society would deem to be masculine), yet men are ÔÇÿunableÔÇÖ to wear fishnets and crop tops, is entirely hypocritical. The extent of double standards marks how exclusive and judgemental our society truly is. The roles should be allowed to be reversed and both genders should be allowed to wear whatever it is they please. Fashion should not be a gendered concept and the whole ÔÇÿmasculineÔÇÖ and ÔÇÿfeminineÔÇÖ labels need to stop in the fashion world.
With so many people in the world having so many different opinions, how is it possible to categorise fashion into ÔÇÿfeminineÔÇÖ and ÔÇÿmasculineÔÇÖ? It is safe to say that fashion is a way to express ourselves in a liberating, yet creative way. Fashion should be an experiment that everyone can take part in, helping people find what style best matches their personality and what clothes/patterns/textures/colours make them feel most like themselves. Who are we to say a person cannot wear a particular piece of clothing? We are clueless to their personality, their preferences, their style. How dare we think we have the privilege to judge other people on their choice of fashion.

In recent years, clothing brands have jumped on this wave length, and itÔÇÖs about time too. In particular, ‘Collusion’ have dedicated themselves to being a unisex brand, allowing themselves to promote fashion as an experimental and inclusive phenomenon. Their purpose is to move with the times and to always deliver bold styles to the coming age, who heavily want more from the fashion industry. They are undoubtedly an inspirational brand who are way ahead of the times in comparison to other big clothing names.
ItÔÇÖs time for the fashion world to scrap the ÔÇÿmenÔÇÖ and ÔÇÿwomenÔÇÖ departments of their designs, and simply focus on what fashion is all about ÔÇô garments. This means every piece of clothing that they sell and make should be available to all groups of people, whether it be males, females, trans or whatever you please to call yourself as.
So, to the women or men at the festivals wearing whatever they please, good on you. Fashion is an individual and personal thing and is a physical way to present yourself to the world. Do it with confidence, knowing you are being true to yourself whilst looking good at the same time.