No Violet seemed completely at home at┬áGwdihw┬á- quirky caf├® by day and creative hub by night. The supporting acts set the tone; from wacky tunes recalling the tales of microwaves courtesy of Head Noise to heartfelt indie punk rock perfectly executed from Adelaide. By the time the up and coming No Violet graced the stage, you would struggle to swing a cat in the venue. Despite all this, the staff maintained excellent service which is an ode to the colourful pub.

Following their signing to Leisure Records, No Violet released their Debut EP ÔÇÿFacesÔÇÖ last week, a smorgasbord offering their unique hypnotic sound.

Although clearly inspired by grunge, it is hard to categorise the type of music No Violet have wonderfully produced.┬áFeaturing jarring beats, syncopation and varying dynamics, the set could be classed as the musical baby┬áof┬ápsychedelic meets┬ágrunge.┬áLead singer Ellie┬áGodwinÔÇÖs range is insane, the vocals ranging from high┬áeerie┬ápitches to deep bass┬á- their music takes you on a journey. Their energy exerts the stage and brings the room to life.

Their passion, integrity and creativity is proved with every song. Guitarist Rhys Graham offers a stark contrast to EllieÔÇÖs angelic vocals, the tracks feature heavy riffs that ensure the band sit firmly within the grunge genre,┬áwhilst opposing melodies offer┬áa groovy┬ávibe not dissimilar to that of The Doors.

Although the tracks begin soft and subtle, primarily riffs accompanied by some percussion and gentle melodies, they all gradually build in intensity to their full potential, saving the Bristol based beauties a seat in the house of rock.┬áEllieÔÇÖs vocals are initially controlled ÔÇô each vowel carefully pronounced to convey carefully chosen emotion. Towards the middle of each song, the guitar riffs intensify and EllieÔÇÖs words become loosely formed, letting the emotion take over as the lyrics pour out.

Throughout the gig, No Violet┬áeffortlessly┬ádisplay their showmanship and ability to manage the crowd as their intensity grips the audience. There isnÔÇÖt a head that refrains to bob or an eye that can bear to stray from the band, leaving the quirky, cosy, candlelit beer garden completely empty, which is a huge feat.

In between acts, the audience dissipated; amongst the wonderfully heated benches one canÔÇÖt help but overhear analysis of the previous act as they wait in anticipation for the next ÔÇô a crowd truly appreciative of the creativity theyÔÇÖve witnessed amongst their fellow music lovers tonight.