Is 2020 The Worst Dystopian Film?

by Lottie Ennis When I watched Contagion during the first England lockdown, I was shocked at the similarities between the film and the real life ongoing pandemic. Contagion features a mystery illness which spreads around the world causing absolute chaos. The illness in Contagion is spread through respiratory droplets and fomites as is Covid- 19 and also brings the world to a halt. The virus … Continue reading Is 2020 The Worst Dystopian Film?

Is This the Death of Flash Gaming?

By now, most of us have heard the news. Adobe is bidding farewell to its legendary Flash platform this December, signalling the end times for many a beloved game. Flash provided us with thousands of free games online, across a host of websites. Now, we face the prospect of losing these important games and the sites that host them forever, as the internet modernises and discards the outdated Flash player in favour of total HTML5 conversion. Continue reading Is This the Death of Flash Gaming?

Thoughts On: Gamescom

By Lewis Empson and Marcus Yeatman-Crouch Gamescom is one of the biggest gaming conventions on the calendar, and while coronavirus has prevented the usual hordes of fans from showing up at the convention centre in Cologne, that didn’t stop the organisers from presenting a virtual conference – similar to the type we’ve seen from Ubisoft, Sony, and Microsoft – with a lineup of 38 games … Continue reading Thoughts On: Gamescom

New Year’s Foodie Resolutions

Quench couldn’t let the turning of a decade go by without setting some extra-special foodie resolutions. Words by Ellie Hutchings For the last couple of years, Veganuary has had a surge in popularity. As a vegetarian already, it seemed only natural that I give it go. I know a handful of people whoÔÇÖve become full-time vegans after trying Veganuary and, for me, thatÔÇÖs all the … Continue reading New Year’s Foodie Resolutions