Who doesn’t know someone with a fridge full of magnets from places they’ve visited? Many of us have a special something we like to bring home—postcards, trinkets, bracelets, or even photos. But travel traditions aren’t always material. They can also be experiences like trying local food, exploring markets, or taking the same photo pose at every destination. These rituals connect one journey to the next, creating a personal thread across the world.

As a child, my sister and I would find the prettiest postcard and send it to our grandparents. Wherever we went, we’d visit cathedrals and castles—not because we were religious, but because my parents loved them. Now, even when I travel alone, I visit churches, a tradition that makes me feel connected to my family. Another cherished tradition was taking family photos. My parents would carefully compile these memories into photo albums once we returned home, creating something we could look back on together.

When I started traveling solo, I decided to get a new piercing on every trip. It was my way of tying memories to the places I explored. 

Now that I’m 22 and traveling with my partner, our shared adventures have brought new traditions into my life. Times change, and so do the rituals that make a trip feel complete. While it’s wonderful to keep certain traditions alive, it’s equally important to reflect and ask whether they still align with who you are. Traditions can provide comfort and meaning but letting go of those that no longer serve us can make room for new, healthier ones.

To me, visiting cathedrals and castles, as we often did in my childhood, carries a comforting sense of familiarity. It feels as though my family is with me, bridging the gap between my younger self and the person I’ve grown into today.

Words by Liliana-Louisa Seidel 

Featured image courtesy of İrfan Simsar via Unsplash. No changes have been made to this image. Image license found here.