Favorite Cinematic Partners in Crime

Han Solo and Chewbacca from the Star Wars franchiseWords by Joshua Allen When thinking of partners in crime in cinema, none seem more iconic to me than Han Solo and Chewbacca from the Star Wars series. Since A New Hope released in 1977, Han and Chewie have become nothing short of iconic and they are arguably some of the most well-known ÔÇÿpartners in crimeÔÇÖ in … Continue reading Favorite Cinematic Partners in Crime

The Government Has Quietly Increased Our Student Loan Interest Rates – Here Is Everything You Need to Know

By Eva Rodericks In a closely guarded secret, interest on student loans is increasing from 5.4% to 5.6% from September 2020. Hidden information for most, given that it has barely been reported on, here is everything you need to know about the changes to your student loan.  What is happening?  This change will affect students on the Plan 2 Student Loan Scheme, these are students … Continue reading The Government Has Quietly Increased Our Student Loan Interest Rates – Here Is Everything You Need to Know

Food Affinity

Image by Eugene Zhyvchik When we plan our trips to visit the beautiful corners of the world, we often consider the history, landscape and monuments. More important than all of these, IÔÇÖd argue, is the food you try along the way. Such food experiences allow a deeper and more intimate insight into the culture of that area. Whether or not youÔÇÖre a genuine ÔÇÿfoodieÔÇÖ, definitely … Continue reading Food Affinity

The Relationship 15

Image: Suju (via pixabay) By Francesca Ionescu American universities have coined the phrase ÔÇÿFreshman 15ÔÇÖ, where students gain 15 pounds in their first year. This is due to many things, like moving from home and mum is not the one cooking anymore, and Pot Noodles become everyoneÔÇÖs best friend. It might also be the constant drinking as a form of socialisation, but it is far … Continue reading The Relationship 15

What Was Sex Education Like in Your Country – Sexpression Cardiff

This article is part of a series created for Sexual Health Week. What was your sex education like at school? Did you even receive sex education? For many students, if they did have any; it was minimal. In fact, RSE (relationships and sex education) has only just been made mandatory for all secondary schools in England. 2020. This means that too many students of Cardiff … Continue reading What Was Sex Education Like in Your Country – Sexpression Cardiff

The Father-Daughter Duo On Screen

Hit Girl and Big Daddy from Kick-AssWords by Alex Channing ItÔÇÖs not often that you find an on screen father-daughter duo quite as iconic and unique as the one between Hit Girl and Big Daddy in the 2010 action/comedy film Kick-Ass. In this movie, the father-daughter duo is materialised through the pair being skilled vigilantes, aiming to get revenge on a mafia boss who formerly … Continue reading The Father-Daughter Duo On Screen

FresherÔÇÖs Guide – Best Places to Shop in Cardiff

by Joshua Allen As a fresher, shopping in Cardiff can be extremely overwhelming, with such a large option of high street shops, it becomes easy to succumb to some of the more well-known shops available in the city. What makes CardiffÔÇÖs shopping experience more interesting than others is the selection of independent vintage shops within the city, whether it is in one of the famous … Continue reading FresherÔÇÖs Guide – Best Places to Shop in Cardiff

The 5 Jacqueline Wilson Books that Scarred Us for Life

Hazel Ravu on Cookie When thinking about the long-term ramifications derived from overreading Jacqueline Wilson novels during my adolescence, I automatically think of Cookie as the book which left the most scars. Yes, the tale does encompass the seriousness of domestic abuse, with the main character and her mother as victims of their father and husbandÔÇÖs aggression. This perhaps can be agreed as a challenging … Continue reading The 5 Jacqueline Wilson Books that Scarred Us for Life

healthy underwear women oddobody

Mind your Underwear: Why Victoria Secret isn’t the way to go

This article about healthy underwear for women is the second of a series created for sexual health week. By Shubhangi Dua The last six months of living at home with my family and not being able to step out made me reevaluate my lifestyle choices immensely. Those modifications not only include home workouts or eating nutritious food but also wearing healthier and comfortable clothes, specifically … Continue reading Mind your Underwear: Why Victoria Secret isn’t the way to go

guide being sexually sensible

Big Sister: A Guide to being Sexually Sensible

This guide to being sexually sensible kick-starts a series of articles created for sexual health week. By Olivia Adams The conversation surrounding sex can be a difficult one. In many regards, it is considered a taboo subject. Many have and still frown upon the discussion, perhaps because of the private nature of the experience or because society used to view it differently, which can make … Continue reading Big Sister: A Guide to being Sexually Sensible

The Best First Date Spots In Cardiff

Words and photography by Harriet Lowbridge So much pressure is put on first dates, they can make or break any potential relationship no matter how much chemistry youÔÇÖve had brewing in the flirting days. But, youÔÇÖre stuck on where to actually go. Who hasnÔÇÖt been there? Especially when you want to make a decent first impression. So, if you need some inspiration, hereÔÇÖs my guide … Continue reading The Best First Date Spots In Cardiff

“Can I Ever Love Myself?”: A Self-Love Journey

By Sarah Mason The first relationship of our lives is with ourselves, so today we are talking about the journey to self-love. WeÔÇÖve all heard the infamous “you canÔÇÖt love anyone else before you love yourself”. While attempting to sound uplifting, this actually terrified me. Because if this statement is true, then can love ever find us? Can we ever completely love ourselves? And if … Continue reading “Can I Ever Love Myself?”: A Self-Love Journey

Film Review: Mulan

By Phoebe Bowers  ÔÿàÔÿà DisneyÔÇÖs Mulan (1998) was a seminal piece of artistry in forming several young girls feminist identities. With lines such as ÔÇ£How ÔÇÿbout a girl whoÔÇÖs got a brain / Who always speaks her mind?ÔÇØ in the song A Girl Worth Fighting For, I and so many others felt heard. So I cannot even fathom what this Disney classic meant to young … Continue reading Film Review: Mulan

Our Love For The Underdog

By Cicely McFarlane The underdog trope surrounds a team or person who has the odds pitted against them. Meaning, in whatever endeavour they find themselves in, they are expected by many, if not all, to lose. Many sports films adopt this trope as this relates to many sporting underdogs in reality. Yet why has this become such a relevant and successful theme in film overall? … Continue reading Our Love For The Underdog

What’s the Big Deal? 5 Classic Novels that Deserve Their Hype

Maya Deane on Lord of the Flies To many students, GoldingÔÇÖs Lord of the Flies was one of those books that you were forced to study when you were around 15 years old. Whilst covering themes such as human nature, religion and social hierarchy, the book mostly serves as a fantastic introduction to how society fails to provide young men with skills such as empathy … Continue reading What’s the Big Deal? 5 Classic Novels that Deserve Their Hype

Algorithm Aftermath: Shattered A-Levels, Inflated GCSEs & University Chaos

By Sam Tilley The Role of Gavin Williamson The COVID-19 pandemic has disrupted many areas of life since bursting onto the international scene at the turn of the year. Executives across the spheres of sport, theatre and travel have all been left with various headaches by the restrictions imposed on us by COVID-19; but perhaps no-one was left with a greater migraine than the Secretary … Continue reading Algorithm Aftermath: Shattered A-Levels, Inflated GCSEs & University Chaos

Breakaway from the Mainstream: Our Top Underrated Cities

Image by Elena Mozhvilo Foreword by Alice Clifford However many countries there are in the world, more often than not I find myself talking to friends and family about holidays I have been on and finding out that the majority of them have been to the exact same places. While this is always then a good conversation point and opportunity to reminisce about an incredible … Continue reading Breakaway from the Mainstream: Our Top Underrated Cities

Behind The Lens: Rom-Com

By Muskan Arora Romantic comedies have travelled and progressed a long way, from Pretty Woman to IsnÔÇÖt it Romantic. There was a time when these movies revolved around men and communicated  the message of how a man is necessary to complete a woman, no matter how successful the woman is. These movies inculcated in our generation that it isnÔÇÖt important to love yourself first but … Continue reading Behind The Lens: Rom-Com

Problematic Authors: Should We Separate the Writer from the Writing?

by Alex Daud Briggs. J.K. Rowling has had a few controversies over the years but the latest has plunged her into some deep water. Twitter has given everyone a voice and some of our favourite authors have not been saying nice things. Rowling has been found supporting a transphobic speaker and later posting what many saw as a hateful comment regarding trans rights, stating that … Continue reading Problematic Authors: Should We Separate the Writer from the Writing?