How To Get Blamed For Covid: Be A Student

In August of last year, I wrote my first article. I didnÔÇÖt know where I was going when I first started writing- I had never really written something personal before which was designed to be read by other people. It was the day after my brother had just had his A-Level results back and was dropped from Manchester University because he hadnÔÇÖt reached his target … Continue reading How To Get Blamed For Covid: Be A Student

I’m Tired of Defending Nickelback / Introduction

By Josh Ong For my third and final year within Student Media, I decided to switch desks at Quench again. From Food & Drink, to Music, I now find myself as the magazine’s Columnist. I was mostly drawn to Column for its relative freedom over other desks; I now have the ability to focus on any topics that I feel need covering, regardless of which … Continue reading I’m Tired of Defending Nickelback / Introduction

Is It Too Late to Do a EU-turn?

Phoebe Grinter – With my social media memories reminding me of all the fun I was having last year, I decided to reflect on the impact of Brexit on the Erasmus+ programme. Every day when I wake up, rain pounding against my bedroom window as I  procrastinate getting up and facing another day, I check my memories on Instagram, Facebook, and Snapchat, only to be … Continue reading Is It Too Late to Do a EU-turn?

Big Knickers, Blue Soup, and Being Yourself: Bridget Jones Can Teach Us

Phoebe Grinter – Columnist In the picture-perfect Insta era that we live in, I decided to highlight an often forgotten female role model. When we think of modern female role models, there are a few names that spring to mind. Michelle Obama, Greta Thunberg, and Queen Bey just to name a few. However, a name that is often shamefully left off the list is … Continue reading Big Knickers, Blue Soup, and Being Yourself: Bridget Jones Can Teach Us

ValentineÔÇÖs Day: The Marmite Holiday

Phoebe Grinter – As ValentineÔÇÖs Day has crept round once again, I discuss my love-hate relationship with this commercial holiday. Here we are again: ValentineÔÇÖs Day, the most Marmite day of the year. The mere words ÔÇÿValentineÔÇÖs DayÔÇÖ make me feel indifferent. IÔÇÖve never been one to celebrate ValentineÔÇÖs Day, whether I was seeing someone or not. This isnÔÇÖt necessarily because I have had … Continue reading ValentineÔÇÖs Day: The Marmite Holiday

Resolutions Shmesolutions

Phoebe Grinter – As the end of January is finally upon us, I decided to write about how I feel about new year’s resolutions. Not only is 2020 a new year but itÔÇÖs also the beginning of a new decade – the┬áRoaring Twenties┬áround two. But as with every new year comes the same old saying: ÔÇÿnew year, new meÔÇÖ. People vow emphatically that this … Continue reading Resolutions Shmesolutions

12 Days of Christmas ÔÇô Cardiff Edition

Phoebe Grinter – As it is officially the most wonderful time of the year, I decided to create a modernised, Cardiff-esque rendition of the classic 12 Days of Christmas. On the first day of Christmas my true love gave to me,A partridge in a pear treeHead into town and treat yourself to my favourite cocktail at Be at One. Appropriately named ÔÇÿLivinÔÇÖ on a … Continue reading 12 Days of Christmas ÔÇô Cardiff Edition

Harry Styles: Shattering Gender Norms, Defying Toxic Masculinity, and Writing Bangers

Phoebe Grinter – With his much-anticipated album Fine Line due to be released on 13th December, I thought it was appropriate to talk about the key role Harry Styles is playing in shattering gender norms and defying toxic masculinity. From his majestic mane of curly brown locks and his active support of the LGBT+ community, to his goose-bump inducing vocals and captivating stage presence, … Continue reading Harry Styles: Shattering Gender Norms, Defying Toxic Masculinity, and Writing Bangers

Like Mother, Like Daughter

Phoebe Grinter – My face, my mannerisms, my psyche. IÔÇÖm turning into my mum. I shrugged off the first few warning signs when people told me I look just like her, sound just like her, and act just like her. Now I can no longer fight the inevitable. There are too many signals, too many coincidences, and too many similarities. Maybe it’s our shared … Continue reading Like Mother, Like Daughter

What Planet Can I Blame Today?

Phoebe Grinter – When it hasn’t been your day, your week, your month, or even your year.┬áAstrology will be there for you. So my life is falling apart. I spilt coffee all down my new jeans, my card got declined, and I cried at a Christmas advert. But itÔÇÖs not my fault, itÔÇÖs obviously because Mercury is in retrograde, my Himalayan salt lamp needs … Continue reading What Planet Can I Blame Today?

I DonÔÇÖt Know About You

After celebrating my 22nd birthday, I reflect on what being 22 really means. Yesterday I turned┬á22 and Taylor was right,┬áitÔÇÖs miserable and magical.┬áAfter 2.2 decades on this earth I have learnt many life lessons: wine before beer is a bad idea, pesto pasta never gets old, and always remember your carrier bags.┬áAlong with these important life lessons a few things have been playing on my … Continue reading I DonÔÇÖt Know About You

The Reality of FreshersÔÇÖ Flu

University isn’t all fun and (drinking) games… ThereÔÇÖs a lot to juggle when you first go to university: settling into a new place, meeting people, getting to grips with your course, remembering to feed and wash yourself, and of course a few nights outÔǪ As a first-year student at university it is a rite of passage to go out every night of Freshers. Although this … Continue reading The Reality of FreshersÔÇÖ Flu

Funny, Feisty and Feminist: Why Phoebe Waller-Bridge is a Genius of Epic Proportions

Why I am proud to share my name with such a legend. If youÔÇÖd asked me a few years ago who my favourite Phoebe was I would have said the quirky and hilarious Phoebe Buffay from the timeless comedy Friends. However, that has now changed due to the just as quirky and even more hilarious Phoebe Waller-Bridge. She is undoubtedly a once-in-a-generation talent as the … Continue reading Funny, Feisty and Feminist: Why Phoebe Waller-Bridge is a Genius of Epic Proportions

Is Becoming a Vegetarian a Big Missed Steak?

Fish are friends, not food. Before any of my friends expose me for my fraudulent claims of being a vegetarian, I should make it clear that I am not a fully-fledged veggie. Not even close. A friend even made a meme about me involving my fellow failed vegetarian Pam Shipman from Gavin and StaceyÔǪ IÔÇÖll be the first to admit that I have had many … Continue reading Is Becoming a Vegetarian a Big Missed Steak?

A Little Less Conversation

… a little less interaction please. In todayÔÇÖs society, technology plays a big part in our lives. No one, myself included, can go a whole day without using their phone or laptop. As a generation we are heavily reliant on technology in everyday life, especially at university. Technology makes our lives so much easier in so many ways. But when does this become an addiction? … Continue reading A Little Less Conversation

The Good, the Bad and the Ugly of Online Dating

Swipe to the left, swipe to the right. Like most single millennials, I hate to admit that I have used Tinder in an attempt to meet ÔÇÿthe oneÔÇÖ. So far, all these attempts have failed miserably. However, I will say that I have had far more dating prospects online than anywhere else. Despite this, I have a strong love-hate relationship with dating apps. Although the … Continue reading The Good, the Bad and the Ugly of Online Dating

Football v.s Rugby – The Great Debate

by Matt Lewis With the Six Nations kicking off this weekend in grand style I thought it would be perfect to mark the beginning of my online column by sensibly discussing the infamous debate of whether football or rugby is the better sport. However, seeing as my undying love for football seems to already be taking control of proceedings, IÔÇÖm slightly regretting choosing to get … Continue reading Football v.s Rugby – The Great Debate

#NotAllMen: The Problems Men Face in Society Can Be Solved with Feminism

MenÔÇÖs rights activists, otherwise referred to as ÔÇÿmeninistsÔÇÖ face a lot of schtick in society. Honestly they donÔÇÖt help themselves a lot of the time, and IÔÇÖm not here to defend the actions of some of the more butt-hurt, but for the most part they have a point. ÔÇÿWoah, Maria, I thought you were a rampaging radical feminist!ÔÇÖ you cry! That is true, dear reader, … Continue reading #NotAllMen: The Problems Men Face in Society Can Be Solved with Feminism