Tag - diet


Veganism: Is This Our Future?

Image by Silviarita (via Pixabay) Veganism is continuing to grow in popularity, but is it a passing trend or something that’s needed more long term, for...


Lab Grown Meat – A Revolution in Food?

Words by Lottie Ennis Lab grown meat has been in the pipeline for some time now, and it was in 2013 at a news conference in London that it was first tasted in...


Kurbo: When Diet Culture Goes Too Far

WeÔÇÖve all heard of Weight Watchers. In diet culture, itÔÇÖs quite difficult to avoid WWÔÇÖs points system, the side-by-side pictures of women standing in...


The Planetary diet

By Hannah Penwright The planetary diet might just sound like the next new diet some expert claims is the diet to solve all our problems, but this one does...

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