Love Languages Explained: What’s Yours?

The five love languages of ‘Quality Time’, ‘Giving Gifts’, ‘Words of Affirmation’, ‘Acts of Service’ and ‘Physical Touch’ are all special in their own ways showing the varied ways we express and receive love! From Quality time to Words of Affirmation and Giving Gifts, it’s funny how humans love differently despite our similarities. My love languages evolved over the years and continues to shift through … Continue reading Love Languages Explained: What’s Yours?

red and yellow fireworks

Celebrating Diwali

Words by Hansa Tote Diwali is known as the ÔÇÿfestival of lightsÔÇÖ (coming from the Sanskrit word ÔÇÿdipavaliÔÇÖ┬ámeaning row of lights) and is celebrated by over a billion people all over the world, all gathering to honour the triumph of good over evil and the victory of light over dark.┬á The significance of Diwali in religion  It is the biggest festival in India, being observed … Continue reading Celebrating Diwali

Parents Know Best: Inheriting a Love of Food

My father speaks almost exclusively in the form of food. His green, coconut curry with marlin means ÔÇÿI love youÔÇÖ. We were a basmati rice household, but I didnÔÇÖt like basmati rice, so he broke out the jasmine rice just for special occasions. The curry was always simmering far before I would come home from school. Little tidal pools of chilli oil accumulating in the … Continue reading Parents Know Best: Inheriting a Love of Food

Spending Christmas Abroad

words by Eva Castanedo Christmas is by far the biggest holiday in the UK. The UK spends ┬ú24.2 billion in celebrating the festivity, consumes 10 million turkeys on Christmas day, uses 227,000 miles of wrapping paper, and pulls 300,000,000 crackers each Christmas season. This festive period agglutinates a vast number of traditions that only occur once a year. Thus, most people lock these dates in … Continue reading Spending Christmas Abroad

Fashion Wears History: Family Threads

Words by Sophie Revell. Perks of living in a basically all woman house are few and far between. We have three sets of hormones; three sets of strong opinions; and sharing one bathroom with three appearance-conscious, bossy girls must be a trial for my dad who gets ready to leave the house in approximately seven minutes. One upside of these tribulations (at least for myself) … Continue reading Fashion Wears History: Family Threads