Love Languages Explained: What’s Yours?

The five love languages of ‘Quality Time’, ‘Giving Gifts’, ‘Words of Affirmation’, ‘Acts of Service’ and ‘Physical Touch’ are all special in their own ways showing the varied ways we express and receive love! From Quality time to Words of Affirmation and Giving Gifts, it’s funny how humans love differently despite our similarities. My love languages evolved over the years and continues to shift through … Continue reading Love Languages Explained: What’s Yours?

Parasocial Relationships: Helpful or Harmful?

In recent years, an overconsumption of media, mainly among younger generations has led to a rise in parasocial relationships. In these unrequited and one-sided relationships, members of the public obsess over influencers and celebrities, who are clueless about their followers’ existence. These relationships have sometimes proved helpful in providing a sense of community. ‘Swifties’, for example, are a massive fandom united around their shared love … Continue reading Parasocial Relationships: Helpful or Harmful?

Are Dating Apps Leaving Us Lonlier Than Ever?

Words by Madeline McCabe-Smith It is safe to say a significant amount of university students have dabbled in the world of online dating, whether itÔÇÖs in search of a potential life-long partner or simply out of curiosity. EveryoneÔÇÖs experience is unique, and the outcomes differ considerably. The development of technology has blessed us with the ability to discover the world of dating in a brand-new … Continue reading Are Dating Apps Leaving Us Lonlier Than Ever?

The Endless Double Date

Words by Holly Hostettler-Davies Imagine this: ItÔÇÖs 2022 and you and your partner decide to live with your best friends, who are also a couple. YouÔÇÖve been on countless meals out, days at the beach, shopping trips, walks in the park – many double dates. YouÔÇÖve even been on trips together, shared living spaces for a short time. But now youÔÇÖre going to share a … Continue reading The Endless Double Date

Get on The Same Page: A How-To on Harmonious Communication

This article should give some simple tips and templates for communicating with your partner effectively about different issues. How do you bring up an issue without worrying or upsetting them? What is the best way to ask them to listen to you? One of the first lessons in communication that I remember took place upon the rug of my reception classroom, five years old cross … Continue reading Get on The Same Page: A How-To on Harmonious Communication

Valentines vs Galentines: Commercialising Relationships?

We asked our contributors if they were team Valentine’s, Galentine’s or against the holiday altogether: Personally, I love both Valentine’s and Galentine’s! Any opportunity to spread love and positivity to those close to me is always a winner. For many however, Valentine’s can be a lonely and stressful time for those not in relationships and this is not helped by the commercialisation of Valentine’s. The … Continue reading Valentines vs Galentines: Commercialising Relationships?

Financial Independence: What Does It Mean To Gen Z?

Financial independence ÔÇô the status of having enough wealth to pay for your living expenses for the near future without being dependent on others. But when it comes to being in a relationship, how should the finances be handled? Of course, at the end of the day itÔÇÖs down to what you and your partner feel most comfortable with, and only you know what works … Continue reading Financial Independence: What Does It Mean To Gen Z?

What Is So Attractive About A Red Flag?

ÔÇ£Even a red flag looks pink when youÔÇÖre wearing rose tinted glassesÔÇØ – Me, after telling my friends how my newest crush leads me on and ghosts me for weeks before sliding back into my DMs like nothing happened.  However, IÔÇÖm now aware that this situation is merely the real-life sequel of all the romance novels and movies IÔÇÖve devoured in my lifetime. My dawn … Continue reading What Is So Attractive About A Red Flag?

A Single Valentine’s Day

By Dominic Bramley-Carr ValentineÔÇÖs Day. Whilst a date often associated with red, romance and a bouquet of roses, it can also knock the self-confidence of the most level-headed individual. It seems to be fairly widely accepted that the construction of ValentineÔÇÖs Day, by films and television, as a day of clich├® love that is more special than any other, is a marketing ploy which puts … Continue reading A Single Valentine’s Day

Aftercare is Just As Important

By Phoebe Bowers Ever just laid there? Feeling: ashamed, naked, sweaty – feeling surprisingly empty? In my experience, so much anticipation can arise before the event, awkward flirtations, maneuvers, talk, yet so little feels gained after? You question why you even bother to keep blindly sifting across the human catalogue of Tinder, Hinge, Grindr, Bumble, *insert whatever soulless app is appropriate to your life*, when … Continue reading Aftercare is Just As Important

Is Micro-Cheating, Cheating?

By Inga Marsden From the perspective of a University student who has had a handful of relationships, I would define infidelity as engaging in anything regarding another person, of which you would not wish your significant other to find out. Now donÔÇÖt get me wrong, IÔÇÖm no saint, we all have flirtatious exchanges from time to time. But where would this be said to draw … Continue reading Is Micro-Cheating, Cheating?

Two women - one dressed in traditional Indian clothing, second one posing in a checked dress - neither smiles

How Our Cultural Backgrounds Shape Our Perception of Love

Written by Niladri Singh Rajput Graphic* by Maja Metera If there is a common thread that holds most living beings together, then that thread is this feeling we call love. It has for generations governed the world, our believes and all of the people. The ways in which we show love is different for each one of us. We are great lovers, all of us, … Continue reading How Our Cultural Backgrounds Shape Our Perception of Love

labels in relationships

‘So what are we?’: Exploring Labels and Self-Advocacy in Relationships

words by: Sarah Mason New people are exciting, new sex is exciting, and new relationships are perhaps the most exciting. Not only do you get to discover another person, but through your experiences, you also learn about yourself, your desires, your needs, and your boundaries. In the midst of these blooming connections, youÔÇÖll eventually reach the infamous point of ÔÇÿthe talkÔÇÖ. Maybe scary, but oh … Continue reading ‘So what are we?’: Exploring Labels and Self-Advocacy in Relationships

Grandparents and Their Vision of Love

Featured Image Credit: @desindes.desindes on Instagram. It can be very easy to forget that the older members of our family had a life before us; wrapped up in our own worlds where our grandparents are just that: grandparents. Six writers share beautiful tales from their grandparents’ own stories, reminding us the universality of love, loss and heartbreak. John and Alice My Grandparents, John and Alice … Continue reading Grandparents and Their Vision of Love

Virtual Colleagues, Real Life Strangers

Written by Caitlin Parr Illustration by Shafia Motaleb They say that first impressions count, but how are we meant to get a fair impression of our colleagues and classmates when all we know of them is an ever freezing Zoom or Teams video rectangle. Yes, the funny faces that their frames freeze on have provided great icebreakers and laughs in moments of the infamous Zoom … Continue reading Virtual Colleagues, Real Life Strangers

Food Affinity

Image by Eugene Zhyvchik When we plan our trips to visit the beautiful corners of the world, we often consider the history, landscape and monuments. More important than all of these, IÔÇÖd argue, is the food you try along the way. Such food experiences allow a deeper and more intimate insight into the culture of that area. Whether or not youÔÇÖre a genuine ÔÇÿfoodieÔÇÖ, definitely … Continue reading Food Affinity

“Can I Ever Love Myself?”: A Self-Love Journey

By Sarah Mason The first relationship of our lives is with ourselves, so today we are talking about the journey to self-love. WeÔÇÖve all heard the infamous “you canÔÇÖt love anyone else before you love yourself”. While attempting to sound uplifting, this actually terrified me. Because if this statement is true, then can love ever find us? Can we ever completely love ourselves? And if … Continue reading “Can I Ever Love Myself?”: A Self-Love Journey