From TikTok Star to Style Icon: Addison Rae’s Style Evolution 

Among the wave of TikTok influencers who have rose to stardom within the last five years or so, Addison Rae somehow stands apart from them and is in a league of her own. From filming dance TikToks in the infamous Hype House bathroom to attending red carpets such as the VMAs, Addison Rae has transformed from a viral TikTok sensation into a recognised fashion icon, … Continue reading From TikTok Star to Style Icon: Addison Rae’s Style Evolution 


What kind of stereotypes or narratives about women does TikTok really perpetuate? Words by Julia Bottoms, Quench Culture Editor We spend a lot of time on TikTok these days. The average UK teenager spends 75 minutes a day on TikTok, opening the app 19 times in a single day.┬á So, IÔÇÖm sure any chronically online Gen Z-er (like myself) will have encountered the ÔÇÿgirl dinnerÔÇÖ … Continue reading ‘GirlTok’

Committing to the Bit: Gen ZÔÇÖs Obsession with ÔÇÿUglyÔÇÖ Clothes

If youÔÇÖre like me and you obsessively scroll through the fashion side of TikTok to mentally spend your entire overdraft, youÔÇÖve probably seen the gradual rise of ÔÇÿUgly ChicÔÇÖ outfits. These mismatched, gaudy clothes have caused a rift on the app, dividing viewers opinions and inspiring a new wave of innovation when putting an outfit together. But where did the preference of fun over fashion … Continue reading Committing to the Bit: Gen ZÔÇÖs Obsession with ÔÇÿUglyÔÇÖ Clothes

All the Mental Health Problems I Have According to TikTok

Words by Lucy Beetson Have you ever found yourself scrolling through TikTok, thinking you’ll only watch one video, and before you know it, you’ve spent hours on the app? Or maybe you’ve noticed that your For You page is constantly showing you content that seems eerily accurate to your interests and personality. Trust me, you’re not alone. As a fellow TikTok addict, I know just … Continue reading All the Mental Health Problems I Have According to TikTok

The Rise of the Deinfluencer

Words by Alice Moore Picture this: itÔÇÖs 2016, and youÔÇÖre watching your favorite YouTuberÔÇÖs two-part makeup collection tour. TheyÔÇÖve got the newest Urban Decay palettes, the cult fave Nars Sheer Glow foundation in 10 different shades, and a whole drawer dedicated to lip liners. YouÔÇÖre astonished. YouÔÇÖre mesmerised. And most importantly, you need every single thing. This was the birth of the influencer. Slim, tanned … Continue reading The Rise of the Deinfluencer

Is the Book Community an Echo Chamber?

by Catarina Vicente In online book communities, it is usual for creators, in their quest to reach wider audiences and become more popular, to replicate certain ideas or trends that more famous creators have done previously. This is fine and well ÔÇô unless itÔÇÖs done on a major scale. Suddenly, the community is consumed by the same few creators, who promote the same few books, … Continue reading Is the Book Community an Echo Chamber?

Gen-Z: The Most Influenceable Generation?

ÔÇÿThe fastidious woman today must have immaculate underarms if she is to be unembarrassedÔÇÖ reads a 1922 ad in HarperÔÇÖs Bazaar. As sleeves and skirts got shorter, the pockets of the depilatory industry got larger, with a new demographic to target and more people to sell to. Nowadays we donÔÇÖt have to open magazines or drive past billboards to be told to buy, buy, buy; … Continue reading Gen-Z: The Most Influenceable Generation?

Will Micro-Trends Ruin The Fashion Industry?

Words by Dominic Bramley-Carr In the fast-paced social media-orientated society that we live in, the way in which we consume fashion has become fickler and more prone to change than ever before. This is perhaps unsurprising, given that much of our fashion inspiration comes from apps like TikTok and Instagram. These platforms are simply designed around the sharing of large amounts of short, easily digestible … Continue reading Will Micro-Trends Ruin The Fashion Industry?

Cyfryngau am Pobl Ifanc Cymru: Beth sydd ar gael?

Erbyn heddiw, maeÔÇÖr cyfyngau yn rhan anferthol oÔÇÖn bywydau. Yn enwedig ar ├┤l yr ymddangosiad o ffonau symudol. Nawr, dan niÔÇÖn gallu cysylltu efo unrhywun, am unrhyw amser, unrhywle. Y cyfryngau ywÔÇÖr ffordd fwyaf effeithiol yn bendant, i ddod o hyd iÔÇÖr bobl efoÔÇÖr un diddordebau a diwylliant a chi. I fod yn hollol onest, hyd yn oed fel person ifanc Cymraeg, maeÔÇÖr rhan fwyaf … Continue reading Cyfryngau am Pobl Ifanc Cymru: Beth sydd ar gael?

Traddodiadau Cymreig yn Creu Cyffro ar Gyfryngau Cymdeithasol

Geiriau gan Rhiannon Jones Mae llawer o greawdwyr wedi cael llwyddiant ar gyfryngau cymdeithasol wrth greu cynnwys am draddodiadau Cymreig. Mae’r cynnwys yn amrywio o waith celf ddeniadol, cynnwys addysgiadol a chomedi ysgafn. Yn ogystal, mae pob un oÔÇÖr creawdwyr yn dod ag elfen eu hun i’r traddodiadau yma ÔÇô a ÔÇÿdyn nhw bendant ddim yn sych naÔÇÖn hen ffasiwn!   Un enghraifft hwyl a phoblogaidd … Continue reading Traddodiadau Cymreig yn Creu Cyffro ar Gyfryngau Cymdeithasol

TikTok Fashion Aesthetic’s

Words by Maja Metera TikTok had bad reputation before COVID-19 happened seen as another silly thing that Gen-Z came up with. Well, at this point it became a blend between Instagram and YouTube as it combines aesthetic requirements and editing skills of both platforms. People started using it not only for comedy but also to show off their creativity. This way fashion left shopping hauls … Continue reading TikTok Fashion Aesthetic’s

TikTok, I Think Not

Written by Francesca Ionescu TikTok has quickly become the most popular social media platform in the world, offering a very different interface to other apps that offers the user huge creative freedom. With TikTok you can create videos about pretty much anything in any format, from tutorials, to outfit ideas and funny edits, to the most controversial form of TikTok-POVs. POV stands for Point-Of-View and it … Continue reading TikTok, I Think Not