Photo of different medicine packets with a grey tinge.

Struggling With Chronic Pain: My Experience

Imagine you start getting a pain in your knee every so often, you don’t think anything of it. But then that pain turns to both knees, hips, ankles, shoulders and wrists. And it’s just a twinge here and an ache there until it’s not. Until it’s excruciating, shooting pain coming from all of your joints simultaneously. Except this isn’t some hypothetical or imaginary situation, this … Continue reading Struggling With Chronic Pain: My Experience

An Image created by Ella Collis on Canva

21 Things I Have Learnt In My 21 Years of Life

October was not just the end of freshers and Halloween for me; it was also my birthday month! This year it was a special one, I turned 21! Do I feel 21? – absolutely not, in my head I’m still a 16-year-old teenager. However, being considered a fully-fledged adult everywhere in the world now, I thought I would pass down all of my wisdom. Both … Continue reading 21 Things I Have Learnt In My 21 Years of Life

Lessons From University : 25 Things It Helps to Know Going In

So here we are at my last ever column, and to mark the occasion IÔÇÖve compiled a list of the things I wish I knew before coming to uni. IÔÇÖve kept it to the fairly inconsequential stuff since the big lessons you learn will be things you have to experience first hand to really know, and as someone whose uni years have been so dominated … Continue reading Lessons From University : 25 Things It Helps to Know Going In

The Most Heartbreaking Line of Dialogue Ever Written : How Arthur MillerÔÇÖs Death of A Salesman Reveals the Human Tragedy of Late Capitalism┬á

Over the course of just six weeks in the Spring of 1948 Arthur Miller produced, in my opinion, the greatest play of the twentieth century. Centred on the Loman family of New York, Death of A Salesman serves as the psychological post mortem of a man who dared to buy into Capitalist dreams of success. MillerÔÇÖs subject for this dissection comes in Willy Loman, a … Continue reading The Most Heartbreaking Line of Dialogue Ever Written : How Arthur MillerÔÇÖs Death of A Salesman Reveals the Human Tragedy of Late Capitalism┬á

Too Overwhelmed To Do Anything: Why I Think Leaving Your Phone at Home Should Be The New Veganism

I think weÔÇÖve all been in this situation before. Uni work mounting up fast, bedroom a tip, and the incessant buzzing of group chats, emails, and texts leaving you with a sense of inexplicable dread. Eventually the to-do list gets so large that it paralyses you, and you spend your time feeling stressed and miserable, failing to attack any of your worries at the root … Continue reading Too Overwhelmed To Do Anything: Why I Think Leaving Your Phone at Home Should Be The New Veganism

ValentineÔÇÖs Day : Yay or Nay?

ValentineÔÇÖs Day -┬á a meaningful celebration of romantic love or just another excuse for companies to shove cards, flowers, and poorly fitting lingerie down our throats? A time when single people begin to envisage themselves dying alone surrounded by cats, whilst couples fret as to whether their partners efforts will match their own. If he buys flowers when sheÔÇÖs only given him a tacky card … Continue reading ValentineÔÇÖs Day : Yay or Nay?

The Early Days of Coronavirus, As Told Through My Teenage Diary Entries

Samuel Pepys, Che Guevara, Leonardo da Vinci, myself – what do all these people have in common? TheyÔÇÖre all diarists. Admittedly, my diaries fall more on the Adrian Mole side of things rather than the Virginia Woolf end, but since any good historian knows the value in a range of sources IÔÇÖll be bold on this one and put mine forward as an artefact of … Continue reading The Early Days of Coronavirus, As Told Through My Teenage Diary Entries

Self Improvement Away From the Self: What Does it Mean to be Kind?

HereÔÇÖs something of a confession for you all: I love saying horrible things about the people in my life.  I love sitting down with friends to dissect everything we hate about our other friends. I love playing armchair psychologist and listing every questionable thing anyoneÔÇÖs ever done.┬á I love the drama of it, the gossip, and the pat on the back we give ourselves for … Continue reading Self Improvement Away From the Self: What Does it Mean to be Kind?

Don’t Talk to Me I’m Toddler Tired

Twas the week before the end of term, and everyone was bloody exhausted. The students huddled underneath their duvets in the cold and dark, their bank accounts empty and their lectures unattended.┬á Well, thats what our house is looking like at least. Without trying to upset my housemates too much, Its fairly apparent that weÔÇÖre all in pretty urgent need of some time apart. In … Continue reading Don’t Talk to Me I’m Toddler Tired

December to January: The CalendarÔÇÖs Only Mistake

IÔÇÖve always loved living with the seasons. I embrace the yearÔÇÖs constant cycle of change with welcome arms, from the cold sunrises in winter, to the daffodils in spring, reading on the beach in summer to drinking overpriced coffee on rainy autumn days. The seasons are so sensibly laid out, and I always find myself ready for the switch just as it arrives. There is, … Continue reading December to January: The CalendarÔÇÖs Only Mistake

Mirror, Signal, Manoeuvre: Finally Learning How to Drive in 2022

Three years ago I had my first ever driving lesson. Last month I booked my first practical test. You might say that on the driving front IÔÇÖve been stalling quite majorly, if youÔÇÖll excuse the pun. The thing with learning to drive is that itÔÇÖs (A) really tricky and (B) a logistical nightmare. Of course the pandemic played a big part in the delay, but … Continue reading Mirror, Signal, Manoeuvre: Finally Learning How to Drive in 2022

A Defence of The Karen: Why Do We Hate Older Women Speaking Out?

From the looks of it, getting old seems awful. From deteriorating eyesight and ever more debilitating hangovers to hip replacements and your friendsÔÇÖ funerals, it all sounds horrendous. But for women, I think thereÔÇÖs another side to ageing thatÔÇÖs less talked about, and itÔÇÖs the double whammy of ageism and misogyny that quietens the voices of women who still have so much to say. This … Continue reading A Defence of The Karen: Why Do We Hate Older Women Speaking Out?

Cycling in the City : Why I Love Owning a Bike in Cardiff

IÔÇÖd like to tell you that I love cycling because I care about the environment, or my health or any of the other reasons that someone with better priorities than me might tell you to buy a bike. But for me, I own a bike out of laziness, cheapness and as a way to spend some time alone. You might see me whooshing up Senghennydd … Continue reading Cycling in the City : Why I Love Owning a Bike in Cardiff

Fear Of Missing Out: Why Is It So Hard To Say No To Nights Out?

The term FOMO, or fear of missing out, is ÔÇÿdefined as a pervasive apprehension that others might be having rewarding experiences from which one is absentÔǪ characterized by the desire to stay continually connected with what others are doingÔÇÖ, according to an actual scientific study done on the phenomenon. Social media makes it difficult to ignore the lives others are leading, and I felt like this ignorance … Continue reading Fear Of Missing Out: Why Is It So Hard To Say No To Nights Out?

97% Of Us: What We All Have In Common

I am now so bored with social media that I have resorted to refreshing my news app as a way to expend the energy I conserve for being too interested in other peopleÔÇÖs lives. Usually, this just leaves me feeling smugly well-informed of current affairs whilst Netflix plays in the background and my coffee goes cold on my desk. This week felt different.  We all … Continue reading 97% Of Us: What We All Have In Common

A Long Overdue Critique Of Lana Del Rey

If the first 12 days are anything to go by, then itÔÇÖs pretty clear that 2021 isnÔÇÖt going to be the anti-climatic year we had hoped for in comparison to 2020. In the two weeks that the Capitol Building in Washington D.C experienced a coup, the UK was put back into lockdown, my university deadlines are becoming increasingly harder to ignore, and Lana Del Rey … Continue reading A Long Overdue Critique Of Lana Del Rey