Sunscreen, Selfies, and Sponsorships 

I can’t lie, there have been plenty of times I’ve found myself scrolling through Instagram, envious of all the travel photos I see. I find myself wishing that I could be sponsored by some big shot company and sent abroad to experience new cultures and new places to share with my very small following. That’s the beauty of digital marketing; it sparks emotion in an … Continue reading Sunscreen, Selfies, and Sponsorships 

How Virtual Communities Inspire Aspiring Travellers

Words by Katie Storrie The one thing that excites me most about travelling is that it not only allows you to immerse yourself in new cultures and experiences, but also allows you to connect with people from across the world both online and in person. I have always reached out to travel influencers and social media to gain insight into travel. The online community is … Continue reading How Virtual Communities Inspire Aspiring Travellers

Celebs: They Don’t Know Your Name

By Chloe Thomas-Evans In a media saturated world such as ours, the ways in which people can use the media are plentiful. Those who put it to good use are often rewarded with public recognition and some sort of fanbase that idolises their public image. Their content is re-distributed and edited by adoring fans who claim that they feel inspired or understood and their brand … Continue reading Celebs: They Don’t Know Your Name

The Rise of the Deinfluencer

Words by Alice Moore Picture this: itÔÇÖs 2016, and youÔÇÖre watching your favorite YouTuberÔÇÖs two-part makeup collection tour. TheyÔÇÖve got the newest Urban Decay palettes, the cult fave Nars Sheer Glow foundation in 10 different shades, and a whole drawer dedicated to lip liners. YouÔÇÖre astonished. YouÔÇÖre mesmerised. And most importantly, you need every single thing. This was the birth of the influencer. Slim, tanned … Continue reading The Rise of the Deinfluencer

Taking the Bait

Words by Rubie Barker ÔÇ£As your token straight friend, itÔÇÖs my duty to remind you that sometimes people are straight.ÔÇØ -Tao Xu (Heartstopper┬áseason 1, available on Netflix) For those for┬áwho┬áthe term is new, ÔÇÿQueerbaitingÔÇÖ, is commonly understood to occur when someone (fictional or real) suggests they are part of the LGBTQ+ community, primarily to attract the LGBTQ+ audience, possibly for financial gain. While the term … Continue reading Taking the Bait

The Rise and Fall of Kanye West

An opinion piece by Maddie Balcombe Kanye West: one of the most well-known names in our celebrity landscape today, and simultaneously one of the most controversial. From humiliating Taylor Swift during her first VMA win back in 2009, to making outrageous claims about societal issues (such as when he suggested that African-American slavery was a choice), his audacious actions have often divided opinion between music … Continue reading The Rise and Fall of Kanye West

TIKTOK STYLISTS: How Is Your Favourite TikToker Changing The Conversation In Fashion?

Words by Annabelle Ingram Since TikTok took over our lives during 2020, it has been a permanent reference for myself and my wardrobe choices. On the app, you can now find an abundance of fashion influencers, from those who make conscious choices to include sustainable or inclusive styling in their videos, to those who are inundated with fast fashion parcels. It can, therefore, be hard … Continue reading TIKTOK STYLISTS: How Is Your Favourite TikToker Changing The Conversation In Fashion?

Cyfryngau am Pobl Ifanc Cymru: Beth sydd ar gael?

Erbyn heddiw, maeÔÇÖr cyfyngau yn rhan anferthol oÔÇÖn bywydau. Yn enwedig ar ├┤l yr ymddangosiad o ffonau symudol. Nawr, dan niÔÇÖn gallu cysylltu efo unrhywun, am unrhyw amser, unrhywle. Y cyfryngau ywÔÇÖr ffordd fwyaf effeithiol yn bendant, i ddod o hyd iÔÇÖr bobl efoÔÇÖr un diddordebau a diwylliant a chi. I fod yn hollol onest, hyd yn oed fel person ifanc Cymraeg, maeÔÇÖr rhan fwyaf … Continue reading Cyfryngau am Pobl Ifanc Cymru: Beth sydd ar gael?

A Cult of Trauma: is ÔÇÿtraumaÔÇÖ overused in the age of social media?

In the age of social media more and more resources have been made available online surrounding ÔÇÿtrauma.ÔÇÖ These educational tools can be incredibly enlightening, gen-z seem to have acquired an acute awareness of trauma in terms of what it is and how we respond to it. More than ever we are able to conceptualise that childhood trauma can even stem from events that are deceptively … Continue reading A Cult of Trauma: is ÔÇÿtraumaÔÇÖ overused in the age of social media?

Breaking the Norm: Poetry Outside the Pages

by Hope Docherty. Poetry itself can be collectively grouped as a genre of literature conveying an emotional response to an experience/ image personal to the poet. This emotional response is then intensified with the style and rhythm of the language chosen to show to the reader. Though is this academic grouping enough in 2020? Social media has created a new platform for poets to present … Continue reading Breaking the Norm: Poetry Outside the Pages

Cultural Identity: ÔÇÿMy RootsÔÇÖ vs. The External Influences of Everyday

Written by Beth Mendleton, Olivia Adams and Lafan Hasan Artwork by Amelia Field We live in a culturally charged society where day-in and day-out we experience and engage in fragments of cultures from across the world. From the hundreds of diverse food options we have on UberEats to the endless foreign shows available on Netflix and Amazon Prime. Regardless of whether you realise it or … Continue reading Cultural Identity: ÔÇÿMy RootsÔÇÖ vs. The External Influences of Everyday

TikTok, I Think Not

Written by Francesca Ionescu TikTok has quickly become the most popular social media platform in the world, offering a very different interface to other apps that offers the user huge creative freedom. With TikTok you can create videos about pretty much anything in any format, from tutorials, to outfit ideas and funny edits, to the most controversial form of TikTok-POVs. POV stands for Point-Of-View and it … Continue reading TikTok, I Think Not

Mainstream Pop Culture: The Pros & Cons From a Quarantine Perspective

Words by Cerys Jones The presence of popular culture within contemporary society has become more prevalent than ever during the coronavirus pandemic. Different forms of media have adapted their content following the requirements of society, thereby molding the cultural industry into one solely focussed on education and entertainment. The execution and global dissemination of the ÔÇÿ#Blackout TuesdayÔÇÖ trend and campaign which took place on Tuesday, … Continue reading Mainstream Pop Culture: The Pros & Cons From a Quarantine Perspective

Corporate Twitter – Hip or Miss?

By Catarina Vicente ThereÔÇÖs no denying social media has become a powerful tool for brands in their marketing and advertising. Nowadays, any company that wants to have a bigger presence owns several social media accounts, in order to advertise their products, attract new clients, and to create an identifiable ÔÇÿpersonaÔÇÖ to further enhance their brand. With the resurgence of this new marketing strategy it was … Continue reading Corporate Twitter – Hip or Miss?

The Female Fitness Revolution

By Ella Rowe-Hall Today, female fitness seems to be becoming greatly prominent within society. More and more women are getting fit and playing sports, and celebrities and fitness fanatics seem to be continuously brandishing their own fitness journeys across our social media screens. But what is this so-called female fitness revolution, and why now? After the introduction of womenÔÇÖs birth control in 1961 and the … Continue reading The Female Fitness Revolution

Depop – The New Online Marketplace for Millennials

By Katherine Mallett Fast fashion has dominated the industry for years now. As humans, we have become accustomed to the convenience, momentum and familiarity of high-street shops, that offer easy and often cheap outfits for every occasion.┬á But as the market persists to flourish, is it about time for a vintage moment? With the advent and subsequent success of the online shopping phenomenon, we no … Continue reading Depop – The New Online Marketplace for Millennials

Editing: How far is too far?

By Katherine Mallett The quest for THE ÔÇÿperfect pictureÔÇÖ seems to be infinite. A plethora of editing apps that offer countless filter options, lighting settings and blurring tools. It therefore comes as no surprise that we live in a society that breeds and even feeds self-image issues. The big question is: how far is too far? A deep dive into the app-store It doesnÔÇÖt take … Continue reading Editing: How far is too far?

How is the art of photography changing in the age of Instagram?

by Alys Hewitt The transformation of photography during the digital age is unprecedented, and along with the advent of new technologies and tools which have altered the way in which photographs are taken, Instagram has emerged as a platform for sharing and curating these creations on a mass scale. But just how profoundly has it affected the art of photography as we know it? Digital … Continue reading How is the art of photography changing in the age of Instagram?