
Students attain British Sign Language Qualification

Last week 17 students attained their Level 1 certificates as part of the British Sign Language course provided by the Skills Development Service, a Student Union department dedicated to providing students with transferable skills to increase their employability potential.

To attain this qualification students were required to attend evening sessions twice a week and sit three practical assignments.

John Steele, Training & Development Manager, stated that the results came as ÔÇÿa culmination of dedication, commitment and hard work,ÔÇÖ which began in the first week of the Autumn term.

The students came from a range of academic backgrounds including English, Geography, Maths, Medicine, Nursing, Physiotherapy, and Psychology.

John Steele expressed that he is ÔÇÿextremely proud of the students and their enthusiasm and dedicationÔÇÖ which ÔÇÿwas absolutely outstanding this year, hence the 100% success rate.ÔÇÖ

He added that: ÔÇÿthey have become friends and acquaintances by forming a highly supportive network in which to practice their skills and knowledge each week between the actual lessons.┬á I am also grateful for the expert tuition provided once again by Bob Lewington who has been delivering this course for at least the last 7 years.ÔÇÖ

Students responded to the achievement with great pride. Rebecca Perks, a second year OT student who completed the course said: ÔÇ£I would like to thank everyone that has supported my learning experience on this course. I have thoroughly enjoyed my time and will continue to use the skills learntÔÇØ.

Victoria Weare, a Psychology student, anticipates that the qualification will aid her in her future career and remarked: ÔÇ£I plan on doing a speech and language therapy degree and working with deaf children, so IÔÇÖll hopefully use it then!ÔÇØ

Nina di Cara, a Maths student added: ÔÇ£I really enjoyed the course and the topics we studied ÔÇô it was fantastic to have the opportunity to learn through the SU at that price since I spent many years wanting to but unable because of the cost.ÔÇØ

Speaking about what he has gained from the course, Lee Raye who is undertaking his doctorate explained: ÔÇ£I now have insight into sign language and how it is expressed (syntactically and grammatically), so I can speak with much more authority about sign language matters. I have also learnt a lot about deaf culture.ÔÇØ

Abigail Boxall, a Nursing student described the course as a ÔÇ£Very high standard. There were always opportunities to practice and ask for more help.ÔÇØ

The certificates were presented by Helen Dent, VP Welfare, to a number of the students who were able to attend the award ceremony in the Centre For Skills, Enterprise and Volunteering on Thursday 22 May.

Summing up, John Steele said: ÔÇ£These students showed what can be done in considering how important it is to focus on more than just a degree for oneÔÇÖs future.┬á They have something very appetising and tangible for their CVs and I wish them all the very best in their future careers.ÔÇØ

 If students would like to know about completing a sign language course at the Skills Development Service they can contact: email  The 2014-15 course is provisionally full but places may become available.

Georgia Hamer

About the author

Tom Eden

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  • I am very interested in your sign language course and would be grateful for some information and the cost many thanks .