
Student Led Services

Here is information on two of CardiffÔÇÖs leading student services. Cardiff student minds is one of the great services our StudentÔÇÖs Union offers. It is aimed at providing students with eating disorders support, with weekly self-help group sessions in the union. These sessions are run by Cardiff University Students as well as trained group facilitators, and all are volunteers. They aim to create a safe environment for pro-recovery discussion.

Throughout the year they host a number of events and campaigns in order to raise awareness of mental health and┬áthe services they provide. Some of these are specific to eating disorders and others involve other mental health problems. For example, last week they hosted an information talk by a clinical psychologist on mental health in general┬áand eating disorders more specifically. Some of the events for next term include a talk on self-harm┬áas part of Self Harm Awareness Day (3rd March) and a week of activities for Eating Disorders Awareness Week (Feb 23rd – 27th).

They also try to host a number of ‘fun’ events to engage more people, such as giving out free head massagers as part of National Stress Awareness┬áDay last month and a Clothes Swap next term. There was also a Christmas party in Koko Gorilaz last Thursday with a number of Cardiff Uni societies performing. All of their events can be found on their Facebook page

More specifically to their support groups, they provide weekly support groups for students with eating disorders. Students do not need to be diagnosed with an eating disorder and can be from any stage of recovery, but their approach is very pro-recovery. These groups take place every Thursday between 6.15 – 7.15pm in the Boardroom in the SU. The aim of these groups is to provide a safe and non-triggering environment for attendees to discuss any difficulties they are experiencing. These difficulties may be directly related to their eating disorder or it could be more general, for example, experiencing difficulties with housemates. Each month a different topic is used as a guideline, for example this month is ÔÇÿReturning home for ChristmasÔÇÖ, but the discussion is open to whatever the attendees would like to talk about. The groups hope to help attendees to seek support and advice from each other, and they can engage with as much or as little with the group discussion depending on how comfortable they feel, and may bring along a friend for moral support.

Cardiff nightline is a confidential student led phone service, open every night during term time between 8pm-8am, including weekends. They are there as a service to provide an ear for any problems or worries you might have and pride themselves as listening, not lecturing. It is a non-directive and non-judgemental service, that do not give advice and work with two-way anonymity ÔÇô they wonÔÇÖt know you and you wonÔÇÖt know them. Their volunteers are students who are fully trained and receive on-going training throughout the year, giving them an insight to any potential issues among the student population. These could include mental health issues, loneliness, problems with housemates, alcohol, drugs or problems with a degree scheme.

YouÔÇÖre also able to become a volunteer, with applications taken during October and February. Volunteers sign up to complete a night shift from 8pm-8am at least once a month. They spend this night in the nightline house, which has beds, a TV, sofas, Wifi and a Nintendo Wii so you wonÔÇÖt be sat alone and bored all night. The applicants will be given an interview, and if successful will have a two day training course, with two on-going training evenings each year. Being a volunteer will give you transferable skills that can be used in a work place, including good listening skills and the ability to tackle difficult issues. They also have social events for the volunteers so you are able to meet the people who do the same job you do. There is also an opportunity in February to apply to work promoting the work of Cardiff Nightline around campus and at public events such as FresherÔÇÖs Fayre.

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