Tag - advice


Leaving Cardiff

By Jess Warren The time has come in the academic year when exam season looms, and following exams, the perhaps even more dreaded, big move out of your...


Revision guide

By Daniel Davies Most of us have done our fair share of exams, and unavoidably, the horrific panic revision in the weeks before. Whether it was 7am in ASSL or...


Working out in exam season

By Katie Siwek How to motivate yourself to exercise during exam season. I for one, am guilty for leaving things to the last minute. Especially when it comes to...


Making money last

By Sarah Harris I love the Easter Holidays. Not because I get to have a nice break before the impending doom of exams but because by the end of March...


Library survival guide

By Charlotte Gehrke Easter Recess is near and with it panic about finals and essay deadlines finds its way back into student’s heads. For most of us, the...