Tag - featured


Elections 2017: Day Three

End of Day 3! Today has been a VERY busy day for Gair Rhydd – we’ve interviewed more people than you would think possible and typed until our...


Elections 2017: Day Two

End of Day 2! We’re going to call it a day for now – it has been one long day of interviews which you can find down below. There are plenty more...


Flight of the Robo-bee

by James MacLachlan Whether you love them or hate them, you can’t deny that bees do a lot more for humanity than we realise. Sure, these flying insects...


Her Howley hyd yn hyn

Eirian Jones sy’n adolygu perfformiad carfan Cymru hyd yn hyn, ac yn ystyried beth sydd rhaid iddynt wneud yn yr wythnosau nesaf. Gan Eirian Jones Os nad...


Trash talking Trump

By Maria Mellor In two weeks of being president, Donald J. Trump has shocked the world with what he has managed to achieve. He told us what he wanted to do as...