Yard Act @ Clwb Ifor Bach

Words by Maddie Balcombe.  ÔÇ£WhatÔÇÖs good on a Tuesday, Cardiff?ÔÇØ was the question that Yard ActÔÇÖs frontman James Smith posed to an energetic audience as he first took to the stage in CardiffÔÇÖs iconic Clwb Ifor Bach. The answer seemed obviousÔǪ ÔÇ£Yard Act!ÔÇØ shouted the audience, almost in unison. This answer was not only obvious, but it was also extremely true. Both Yard Act, and … Continue reading Yard Act @ Clwb Ifor Bach

The Best Beauty Trends of 2022

It can be hard to keep up with all of the beauty trends that are on the rise in 2022 so our contributors have compiled some of their favourite beauty trends for the year! Words by Dominic Bramley-Carr Sustainability is becoming something that is increasingly on our minds as we shop. Whether thatÔÇÖs in our avoidance of certain brands or choices to buy second-hand, the … Continue reading The Best Beauty Trends of 2022

Don’t Stop thinking about tomorrow: Fleetwood Mac in 2022

Words by Rhiannon Farr The 1970s saw a rise in rock giants such as Pink Floyd, The Who and AC/DC, but one iconic band has had a notable resurgence in popularity in recent years. Since 2020, Fleetwood MacÔÇÖs music has re-entered the charts, with their fiftieth-anniversary album ÔÇÿDonÔÇÖt StopÔÇÖ and the incredible ÔÇÿRumoursÔÇÖ being the third most-streamed album and third highest-selling vinyl of 2021, respectively. … Continue reading Don’t Stop thinking about tomorrow: Fleetwood Mac in 2022

Review: The Woman in the House Across the Street from the Girl In The Window

By Megha Roy A title, a storyline that are both tad too long, and a queer take on the turn of events, the new Netflix series, The Woman in the House Across the Street from the Girl in the Window starring Kristen Bell has been gaining quiet a bit of attention lately, notwithstanding the overall mixed reviews. This series offers a comic riff on the … Continue reading Review: The Woman in the House Across the Street from the Girl In The Window

The best vintage shops in Cardiff

An updated guide on the best indie shops in Cardiff Words by Zoe Price The Classics: Where we all start in Cardiff of course is Hobos Vintage Clothing, hidden in the High Street Arcade this independent store has unmissable 70s, 80s and 90s clothing and accessories. Not only does Hobos have everything from Levi Jeans to your GrandadÔÇÖs favourite jumper it is relatively cheap with … Continue reading The best vintage shops in Cardiff

The Increase in Living: What does this mean for students?

Students are no strangers to money being tight, and right now weÔÇÖre heading for anunprecedented period of financial woes. Prices are at an all-time high, leaving many of usanxious about making ends meet. Having made the jump from generous undergraduatemaintenance loans to barebones postgraduate funding, IÔÇÖve learnt to make savingswherever I can. Small changes can add up to big results, and with just a few … Continue reading The Increase in Living: What does this mean for students?

Why are so many authors having their comebacks?

Susanna Clarke with Piranesi Literary comebacks have hit the news in recent years, but why are so many older authors choosing now to publish their sequels, prequels and everything in between? Only time will tell the success of a novel, but for many authors this equates to years gone by before even the mere thought of their next publication.  17 years ago, British author Susanna … Continue reading Why are so many authors having their comebacks?

Picture of 4 women standing turning their backs to the viewer.

Act One Variety Night Review

by Maddie Balcombe In the run-up to International WomenÔÇÖs Day, I had the pleasure of attending Act OneÔÇÖs fourth Variety Night showcase, set in the grand hall of Cardiff UniversityÔÇÖs music department. The show was a moving and empowering event, with the purpose of celebrating women in theatre. Complete with poetry recitals, full-out musical numbers, and comedic quips from hosts Ciara Whelan and Joe Lloyd-Perks, … Continue reading Act One Variety Night Review

Picture of piles of books.

Are Physical Books Making a Comeback?

By Ruth Hoey When the first lockdown in the UK was introduced in 2020, it brought with it a renewed spark of interest in physical books. While we remained confined to our homes  and barred from bookshops, book sales continued to climb. According to The Guardian, ÔÇ£more than 200m print books were sold in the UKÔÇØ in the year of 2020 when the pandemic first … Continue reading Are Physical Books Making a Comeback?

Killing Eve Returns: Season 4 Premiere Review

By Hannah Anstee Note: Spoilers are included in the review below! After a two year gap, Killing Eve has returned with their final season, and there have already been a lot of changes and developments in the premiere alone. We wonÔÇÖt do an in-depth recap, but to summarise; Villanelle tried and failed to reform herself via Christianity, and has had some sort of psychotic break … Continue reading Killing Eve Returns: Season 4 Premiere Review

Who Inspires You? – Fashion Edition

Words by Libbi Kettle As someone born with wild curly hair, there is one blonde, curly-haired icon that has become the heart of my style aesthetic: the Carrie Bradshaw. A 90s icon within a decade which heavily influenced my clothing choices, Bradshaw is known for her mixing of vintage with designer. Ranging from the iconic blush pink tank-top and white tutu in the opening credits … Continue reading Who Inspires You? – Fashion Edition

Gen-Z: The Most Influenceable Generation?

ÔÇÿThe fastidious woman today must have immaculate underarms if she is to be unembarrassedÔÇÖ reads a 1922 ad in HarperÔÇÖs Bazaar. As sleeves and skirts got shorter, the pockets of the depilatory industry got larger, with a new demographic to target and more people to sell to. Nowadays we donÔÇÖt have to open magazines or drive past billboards to be told to buy, buy, buy; … Continue reading Gen-Z: The Most Influenceable Generation?

Coachella Festival’s post-pandemic Return

Words by Soyal Khedkar One of the world’s most popular music festivals is finally back! After being postponed multiple times due to the coronavirus pandemic, Coachella has confirmed its return and will be hosted from April 15-17 & 22-24, 2022. The festival was first postponed to October 2020 but eventually cancelled because of the pandemic’s widespread impact. This marked the first time the festival was … Continue reading Coachella Festival’s post-pandemic Return

What Does International Women’s Day Mean To You?

Yesterday, March 8th, marked International Women’s Day – a day dedicated to celebrating all women, everywhere. In this article, our contributors are reflecting on what International Women’s Day means to them… Words by Eve Davies This yearÔÇÖs International WomenÔÇÖs Day is all about #BreakTheBias. To me, International WomenÔÇÖs Day is about celebrating the everyday wins that I see regarding gender equality and female empowerment. The … Continue reading What Does International Women’s Day Mean To You?

Picture showing 3 typical books of the chick-lit genre.

The Death of Chick-Lit Literature

by Leah Hocking The term ÔÇÿchick-litÔÇÖ usually evokes images of Bridget Jones or the pastel-coloured array of Sophie Kinsella books. Similarly to ÔÇÿchick-flickÔÇÖ films, ÔÇÿchick-litÔÇÖ is a term which was first popularised in the 1990s to describe popular fiction which is targeted at a female audience. The protagonists of chick-lit are predominantly heterosexual women, often in their twenties or thirties, who are dealing with the … Continue reading The Death of Chick-Lit Literature

The Big ‘O’ IsnÔÇÖt Always the Goal!

By Alice Moore For years, sex has been entirely based upon reaching the ÔÇÿBig ÔÇÿOÔÇÖ ÔÇô the orgasm. Sex was conceptualised as a competition with one goal only, and failing to make yourself or your partner reach this was essentially deemed as a failure; a waste of a shag. It goes without saying that this perception was (and still is!) highly patriarchal, predominantly focusing on … Continue reading The Big ‘O’ IsnÔÇÖt Always the Goal!

The Rainbow Test Tube

By Holly Chapman TW: homophobic laws, infertility. Where someone struggles with fertility and has to reach out for help when wanting to conceive, members of the LGBTQ+ community follow similar steps in their difficult journey towards parenthood. Unfortunately, their rights to conceive or have children in general, have been protested in the past. It was only in 1967 that The Sexual Offences Act decriminalized sex … Continue reading The Rainbow Test Tube

Reunion Returns: The Appeal of Revisiting the Past

by: Aidan Mc Namee TV audiences are no stranger to the reunion special; casts have been reunited and rebooted for as long as weÔÇÖve been willing to watch. However, Community, The Office, and Parks and Recreation were just some of the shows that have recently opted for the Zoom reunion, featuring cast conversations, table reads of fan favourite episodes, or in the case of Parks … Continue reading Reunion Returns: The Appeal of Revisiting the Past