Zero waste cooking: what to do and what not to do

Photo by Julia Kuzenkov on Unsplash Words by Muskan Arora Around 20 million people in the world die of hunger every year, and those of us fortunate enough to have three meals a day inevitably waste food. Apart from wasting food, we throw the peels of the fruits, meat bones and much more. The question arises, how and why is it important to use these … Continue reading Zero waste cooking: what to do and what not to do

Meet the Cardiff Students Using Their Social Media Platforms in the Name of Menstruation

By Hope Docherty Everyone has their own unique monthly menstruation though often it is not as simple as Mother NatureÔÇÖs calling. Cardiff students: Victoria Causley, Charlotte Hetherington and Hope Docherty have dedicated Instagram pages to educate on menstrual health. All three pages have a focus on conditions that can come with menstruation such as: Endometriosis, Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome, Irritable Bowel symptoms and the impact these … Continue reading Meet the Cardiff Students Using Their Social Media Platforms in the Name of Menstruation

The Asian Silver Screen: Horror

Train to Busan By Gabii Rayner Dubbed ÔÇ£horror as it should beÔÇØ , Train to Busan took the film industry by storm in 2016. The creation of director Yeon Sang-ho and writer Park Joo-suk, this is a classic zombie-movie through and through, and yet manages to climb the ranks of critique and cinematic prowess. The story follows a father and daughter as they travel (surprise, … Continue reading The Asian Silver Screen: Horror

Our contributors explain why you should get involved in Cardiff Student Media

Looking to expand your writing portfolio and gain hands on journalism experience? Below, our contributors explain what they have enjoyed about writing for Quench Magazine this year, and why you should get involved in Cardiff Student Media… JOSHUA ALLEN I first got involved with Cardiff Student Media during first year, having signed up to Quench at the fresherÔÇÖs fair. Within my first year I wrote … Continue reading Our contributors explain why you should get involved in Cardiff Student Media

The Best Takeaways in South Wales for Your Next Weekend Treat

Featured image by Jake Colling (via unsplash) Nothing beats a takeaway to enjoy some of the best food Cardiff and Swansea have to offer, so we’ve asked our contributors to tell us about some of their favourites! From sushi to vegan chicken, there’s something for everyone here in South Wales! Chilli Flames – by Clara Boon There is a plethora of takeaways in Cardiff to … Continue reading The Best Takeaways in South Wales for Your Next Weekend Treat

Behind The Lens: Murder Mystery

By Harriet  Lowbridge Murder mysteries have captivated audiences for centuries, dating back to Edgar Allan PoeÔÇÖs novel The Murders in the Rue Morgue from 1841. Since then, heroes such as Sherlock Holmes, Hercule Poirot and Phryne Fisher have established the genre into what we know and adore today. We are constantly drawn back into these gruesome stories of butlerÔÇÖs murdering for fortunes or spouses killing … Continue reading Behind The Lens: Murder Mystery

Sustainable Period Products: The Fight Against Plastic | Period Dignity Campaign

By Martha Jennings for the Period Dignity Campaign Recently, I have found myself having increased conversations about sustainable period products starting with, ÔÇ£Have you tried a menstrual cup?ÔÇØ, ÔÇ£Have you tried reusable pads?ÔÇØ. Honestly, it was not until this year that I discovered sustainable period products myself. With my eco-conscious mindset, I started questioning how I could reduce the waste created by the disposable products … Continue reading Sustainable Period Products: The Fight Against Plastic | Period Dignity Campaign

That’s Just the Way Things Are

by Eve Davies. It was an early spring morning on Penarth platform. Martha stood awaiting the northward train. She was heading into the city to do some shopping. It was the first morning of the year that she had swapped her thick wrap coat for a lighter anorak. The sun resumed her place in the cloudless blue sky, promising a fine day ahead. Martha had … Continue reading That’s Just the Way Things Are

Our Favourite Travel Documentaries

Image by Jakob Owens Parts Unknown Words by George Gourlay From sailing the Congo River to spiritual rituals in Bhutan to hunting deer in the Scottish Highlands, there were few parts of the world left unknown to Anthony Bourdain before his untimely death in 2018. The culinary aficionado takes us on a tour of the most wild and fascinating cuisines, cultures and people. It wouldnÔÇÖt … Continue reading Our Favourite Travel Documentaries

‘The Thing I’m Most Looking Forward to Doing After I Get the Vaccine Is…’

Yesterday (Tuesday 18th May 2021) it was announced by the Cardiff and Vale University Health Board that everybody over the age of 18 can expect their letter of invitation to be vaccinated arriving by the end of this week; with the aim of all first-dose appointments taking place before May 30th. This incredible step is sure to be reassuring to many young adults across Wales, … Continue reading ‘The Thing I’m Most Looking Forward to Doing After I Get the Vaccine Is…’

How to Throw the Ultimate Picnic

Featured image by Deval Parikh (via Unsplash) Words by Clara Boon I remember having a spontaneous picnic a few years ago on MotherÔÇÖs Day in Henley-On-Thames with my family. As it was so spontaneous we brought with us whatever we could find at home, such as crisps, cheese, biscuits and one solitary tomato. This tomato-gate is now a running joke within the Boon family. Alas, … Continue reading How to Throw the Ultimate Picnic

Most Anticipated Films Of 2021

The Suicide Squad by Shivika Singh After a year of living under lockdown, the idea of going out and socializing makes me beam with happiness. With easing restrictions, I am especially looking forward to watching movies in the cinema hall with my friends. As the releases of many major movies were indefinitely postponed last year, this year has a number of exciting movie releases. My … Continue reading Most Anticipated Films Of 2021

A girl sits on a bed. There is a plant and a book in the background.

University Through the Eyes of a Virgin

Written by: Anonymous Illustration by: Summer Griffin Virgin. What a weird thing to out yourself as, right? ÔÇÿFrigidÔÇÖ, ÔÇÿundesirableÔÇÖ, ÔÇÿunattractiveÔÇÖ. IÔÇÖm 19, one year into University, and IÔÇÖve never had sex. Better yet, IÔÇÖve never even had so much as a relationship. Before Uni and living through the past year, I was an odd kid. I was confident and easy-going but I never made the … Continue reading University Through the Eyes of a Virgin

Beat The Stigma: Menstruation and the “Period Dignity” Campaign

By Hope Docherty Those who menstruate will spend roughly 10 years of their lifetime bleeding. Bleeding of course being their period and not a slice to the finger whilst chopping some vegÔǪ But with this fact why do so many of us feel uncomfortable talking about our ÔÇÿtime of the monthÔÇÖ, namely at a younger age? It is bizarre that we mostly teach ourselves that … Continue reading Beat The Stigma: Menstruation and the “Period Dignity” Campaign

Mask Off?

Words by: Clarissa Boon Covid-19 introduced many unfamiliar new practices into our daily lives, such as wiping down groceries and wearing masks out and about. To an OCD sufferer like myself, the governmentÔÇÖs repeated emphasis on hand-washing heightened my fears of becoming unwell. Armed with some gloves and Dettol antibacterial wipes, I became obsessed with trying to hunt down and slay the invisible enemy. I … Continue reading Mask Off?

The Tomboy in Literature and Film

by Shivika Singh Tomboy – a term used to define girls who are not stereotypically feminine, with their tastes and behaviors usually associate with being manly or boyish. Tomboy has been a major archetype across a wide range of literary and cinematic texts. The history of the term ÔÇÿtomboyÔÇÖ dates back to 16th century when it was used as a reference to rude and boisterous … Continue reading The Tomboy in Literature and Film