Toxic Masculinity vs Movember

Words by Megan Philip We have all heard the phrase toxic masculinity often used to describe men displaying aggressive behaviours and in relation to sexual harassment. However, what is rarely discussed is the internal, negative effects it has on menÔÇÖs mental health and the ways in which it influences how men view their own masculinity.┬á What is toxic masculinity?┬á The dictionary defines toxic masculinity as … Continue reading Toxic Masculinity vs Movember

Digital Detox

Words by Charlie Price We live in a modern society of constant technological progression and rapidly evolving social media cultures. As humans we are not naturally ÔÇÿprogrammedÔÇÖ to cooperate with such an increasingly virtual world, yet we are becoming ever more reliant on our personal technology for everyday activities and social survival in the 21st century.┬á Nevertheless this can be immensely unhealthy behaviour and every … Continue reading Digital Detox

red and yellow fireworks

Celebrating Diwali

Words by Hansa Tote Diwali is known as the ÔÇÿfestival of lightsÔÇÖ (coming from the Sanskrit word ÔÇÿdipavaliÔÇÖ┬ámeaning row of lights) and is celebrated by over a billion people all over the world, all gathering to honour the triumph of good over evil and the victory of light over dark.┬á The significance of Diwali in religion  It is the biggest festival in India, being observed … Continue reading Celebrating Diwali

Communal Living: growing up, moving out, and moving in with others

Words by Rhiannon James Picture this: sunny blue skies, students lounging on picnic blankets on pristine lawns in front of a stately manor house with an entrance hall filled almost entirely by a glittering chandelier looking down from above. You duck as the overbearing-yet-motherly receptionist tries to smother you with a hug and a ÔÇÿgood morning dearÔÇÖ as you pass through into a grand dining … Continue reading Communal Living: growing up, moving out, and moving in with others

Exclusive interview with @incellectuals_cathays

Hello and welcome to our exclusive interview with @incellectuals_cathays! We want to start off this interview with a massive thank you to @incellectuals_cathays for agreeing to this exclusive interview with Quench Culture! We canÔÇÖt wait to dive into the inside scoop of what itÔÇÖs like to run the most popular Cardiff University comedy and meme Instagram account whilst remaining anonymous!  First off we want to … Continue reading Exclusive interview with @incellectuals_cathays

photo by Fred Moon on Unsplash

Sober October vs Oktoberfest: Drinking Culture at University and Alcohol-Free Things To Do in Cardiff

Words by Ellie Young It is an indisputable fact: drinking is embedded in our university culture. Week after week of society events, StudentsÔÇÖ Union nights and irrefusable pub deals foster a social life rotating around alcohol. Of course, it feels like the natural path to follow: a new place, new people and complete freedom are reason enough to point one towards the ÔÇÿsocial lubricantÔÇÖ of … Continue reading Sober October vs Oktoberfest: Drinking Culture at University and Alcohol-Free Things To Do in Cardiff


What kind of stereotypes or narratives about women does TikTok really perpetuate? Words by Julia Bottoms, Quench Culture Editor We spend a lot of time on TikTok these days. The average UK teenager spends 75 minutes a day on TikTok, opening the app 19 times in a single day.┬á So, IÔÇÖm sure any chronically online Gen Z-er (like myself) will have encountered the ÔÇÿgirl dinnerÔÇÖ … Continue reading ‘GirlTok’

Mask Off?

Words by: Clarissa Boon Covid-19 introduced many unfamiliar new practices into our daily lives, such as wiping down groceries and wearing masks out and about. To an OCD sufferer like myself, the governmentÔÇÖs repeated emphasis on hand-washing heightened my fears of becoming unwell. Armed with some gloves and Dettol antibacterial wipes, I became obsessed with trying to hunt down and slay the invisible enemy. I … Continue reading Mask Off?

The Entitlement Gap

How decades of deprivation has resulted in the disassociation of female entitlement ÔÇÿItÔÇÖs a manÔÇÖs worldÔÇÖ. A common lyric and misconception of the worldÔÇÖs society since memories and records date back to. History documents countless moments of significance for women whose choices, views, relationships, personas, and occupations have been unjustly controlled and dictated by others. This may seem like common knowledge to most, or just … Continue reading The Entitlement Gap

Censoring Sexuality

Words By: Abby Allen Header Art By: Human Rights Watch ÔÇ£Happily ever afterÔÇØ. Three words we all grew up reading, hearing, and watching. But who were we looking at? Did they look like us? For the LGBTQ+ community, this question is answered with a resounding no. Media censorship has always been a site of controversy within any society, but when it comes to LGBTQ+ content, … Continue reading Censoring Sexuality

It’s a NO from Me ITV

words By: Catarina Vicente, Heading Image: Trigger Warning: This article discusses eating disorders and calories counting During ÔÇ£National Eating Disorder Awareness WeekÔÇØ, ITV aired an episode of their show ÔÇ£This MorningÔÇØ where they promoted a diet of 800 calories per day. The show, which already had a history of promoting unhealthy dieting, invited Dr Michael Mosley, to speak about ways to lose weight gained … Continue reading It’s a NO from Me ITV

Culture in the Classroom

What should be taught in schools, and how will these subjects benefit future generations? Words by: Ella Harper, Emma Williams, Maja Metera, Sarah Rawle, Aruni Deraniyagala Welsh History in Welsh Schools, Ella Harper As a Welsh history student, I have recently been thinking about the lack of Welsh history taught in secondary schools in this country. Throughout my years studying history, from year 7 all … Continue reading Culture in the Classroom

We Make Events: What Is The Future of the Events Industry?

Written by Eva Rodericks In March last year the events industry came to a grinding halt. Arguably, event professionals have been some of the economically hardest hit by the pandemic and also have to deal with the stressful impact of having no confirmed re-start date. As a result, in April 2020 the We Make Events organisation formed, with the Cymru branch forming in June.  I … Continue reading We Make Events: What Is The Future of the Events Industry?

Wokefishing in a High Tide of Social Change

Words by Amy King You might have heard of catfishing or even blackfishing, but what about wokefishing? A vegan who wears mainstream makeup. A feminist who thinks boys showing their affection is ÔÇÿgayÔÇÖ. Posting a black square on Instagram but not actually giving a shit about Black Lives Matters. WokefisherÔÇÖs appear to be socially likeable by all, but beneath the surface their ÔÇÿwokenessÔÇÖ is a … Continue reading Wokefishing in a High Tide of Social Change

A Disillusioned Democracy

Millennials are more disillusioned with democracy than any generation in living memory, research suggests. A majority of the world’s young people may now be dissatisfied with the political system, according to a study by Cambridge University’s Centre for the Future of Democracy. This article highlights via three students, how they feel the culture of politics needs to change to cater towards and how they should … Continue reading A Disillusioned Democracy

The Culture of Living Alone

Written by Kat Wheeler Like many introverts across the world, my first reaction to being ordered to stay inside was one of euphoric disbelief. Ten months later, the stark reality has well and truly set in. After a long year of political hostility, social change and dystopian realities, the need to feel connected is stronger than ever. Whilst a significant percentage of the population have … Continue reading The Culture of Living Alone