How Was This For Kids?

The Little Mermaid A lot of the classic Disney stories that we grew to love as children originate from much darker folk tales. RapunzelÔÇÖs prince was thrown into thorns and blinded, CinderellaÔÇÖs stepsisters cut off their toes and heels to fit into the glass slipperÔǪthe list goes on. Hans Christian AndersonÔÇÖs original stories were more frightening tales with warnings, rather than happy ever afters. But … Continue reading How Was This For Kids?

Are Marvel Phases 5 and 6 Squeezing Too Much out of the Franchise?

Words by Francesca Manenti Marvel Studios recently unveiled the upcoming releases that will make up Phases 5 and 6 of the MCU, as part of the Multiverse Saga. Yet after a long string of underwhelming TV shows and disappointing films, I canÔÇÖt help but feel like Marvel are losing their touch and overwhelming us with mediocre productions. So far, there has been no cohesion. An … Continue reading Are Marvel Phases 5 and 6 Squeezing Too Much out of the Franchise?

Toil and Trouble: The Character of the Witch in Literature

By Ashleigh Adams The character of the witch has been a mainstay in literature for centuries, with depictions ranging from menacing to aspirational. In modern media there is a wide variety of witchy stories; traditional portrayals present a sort of transgressive femininity, showcasing women who are old, vain, and power-hungry. Spectators have long enjoyed the witch as the ultimate horror, the abject woman. Old, ugly … Continue reading Toil and Trouble: The Character of the Witch in Literature

The Ultimate Night-in Spread

words by Laura Hughes As we begin to head into the colder months of late-autumn and winter, evening barbeques, weekends in pub gardens, and ÔÇÿpicky-bitsÔÇÖ dinners slowly become obsolete. The darkness and drop in temperature as nights draw-in earlier encourage us to bustle back home after uni, bypassing the coffee shops where weÔÇÖd meet our friends for a post-lecture coffee back in May. The upside … Continue reading The Ultimate Night-in Spread

Novels that Truly Outweigh their Film Adaptations

With many stories being adopted by the film industry and transformed into movies or TV shows, we can find excitement in discovering that our favourite book will soon be on screen. However, the disappointment can be all too real when we realise the producers failed to bring the novel any justice. The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring ÔÇô J.R.R Tolkien J.R.R. … Continue reading Novels that Truly Outweigh their Film Adaptations

Arctic Monkeys – The Car Album Review

Written by Elliot Morgan 25/10/2022 It has been four years since Arctic Monkeys divided their fan base with the drastic left-turn that was Tranquility Base Hotel and Casino. Whilst some loved the record, which took influences from lounge pop and psychedelia, many were disappointed with the departure from the MonkeysÔÇÖ traditional guitar-driven music. Their newest record, The Car, is no different. Retaining some elements of … Continue reading Arctic Monkeys – The Car Album Review

Review: The Feeling @ Cardiff Students’ Union 21/10/2022

Words and photos by Billy Edwards The audience at the Students’ Union waited with bated breath for The Feeling’s first appearance in Cardiff in some years. This was responded to very well on stage ÔÇô it began with a special harmony-laden fanfare of Fill My Little World rich with atmosphere. It sounded like an off cut from The Beach BoysÔÇÖ Smile Sessions, a piece of … Continue reading Review: The Feeling @ Cardiff Students’ Union 21/10/2022

Ocean Grove @ Clwb Ifor Bach 18/10/2022

Words and photos by Harry Taylor A chilly night in Cardiff is felt most bitterly when standing, waiting for the doors of the wonderfully intimate Clwb Ifor Bach to open. Descending upon these doors, equally eager and expectant, were fifteen to twenty people, displaying their identification with this music scene through various skull t-shirts, chains, hats, piercings and badges. I felt like the odd one … Continue reading Ocean Grove @ Clwb Ifor Bach 18/10/2022

Review: An Inspector Calls at The New Theatre

18th October 2022 Words by Omo Ifabua Yesterday evening, I had the pleasure of seeing Stephen DaldryÔÇÖs An Inspector Calls at the New Theatre. Having studied JB PriestleyÔÇÖs original play at school 5 years ago and watching both film adaptations, I was definitely excited to see how this version would live up to my expectations. This was my first ever theatre trip in Cardiff and … Continue reading Review: An Inspector Calls at The New Theatre

The Mercury Prize Award 2022: Who Should Take It Home?

Written by Harry Taylor Little Simz – Sometimes I Might Be Introvert Little Simz released her ground-breaking album Sometimes I Might Be Introvert (SIMBI) in September 2021, seeing her receive the second Mercury Prize nomination of her career. After she finally broke into the consciousness of music fans with her 5th album Grey Area in 2019, SIMBI sees her express similar themes through a wider … Continue reading The Mercury Prize Award 2022: Who Should Take It Home?

Seasonal Eating: A Love Letter To Soups And Stews

words by Cariad Jones Why arenÔÇÖt Brussels sprouts a staple on a cooked dinner all year round? I get it ÔÇô theyÔÇÖre the marmite of vegetables (my mum hates them, my sister loves them, you know the drill), but why do the arguments only seem to start in December? Is there some strange tradition stemming from an odd thing an aristocrat did at a yuletide … Continue reading Seasonal Eating: A Love Letter To Soups And Stews

Review: Frank Turner and the Sleeping Souls, Tramshed 12/10/22

Words and photos by Tabitha Murrell TW: Mental Health, Suicide  Frank Turner and the Sleeping Souls’ performance was as potent as it was political. Kicking into gear the consciousness of the onlookers, the band invited the audience to join the anarchy not for just one night, but indefinitely. The sound of Frank Turner is composed not only from heavy drums fused with head-banging melodies, but folksier … Continue reading Review: Frank Turner and the Sleeping Souls, Tramshed 12/10/22

Four Recipes To Get The Most Out Of Your Pumpkin

words by Alisha Ratcliffe Its finally pumpkin season! As the autumn wind rolls in, we’re heading towards that cozy time of year when the unusual bright orange fruit is ready for harvest. However, it is usually forgotten that pumpkins can be made into various delicious meals and snacks rather than just being carved. So, IÔÇÖm here to tell you about four ways that you can … Continue reading Four Recipes To Get The Most Out Of Your Pumpkin

How have Stranger Things brought back songs from the 80s?

Words by Millie Thomas┬á At the end of May this year, heads were turned, and the season for binge-watching commenced as the fourth season of Stranger Things was released on Netflix. This new season did not disappoint, providing a powerful storyline with the work of amazing actors and actresses such as Winona Ryder, Millie Bobby Brown, Joseph Quinn and many more. Though as the series … Continue reading How have Stranger Things brought back songs from the 80s?

LetÔÇÖs Talk About Vivienne: The Top Political Fashion Moments On WestwoodÔÇÖs Runway.

Words By Bethan Gwynne Far from shy about her stance on political and economical matters in the world, Dame Vivienne Westwood has used her creative platform to display her beliefs on these issues through the interpretive media of fashion. Whether it be subtle, or bold statements with eye-catching slogans on t-shirts, Westwood has never been a designer to remain silent on hot topics that may … Continue reading LetÔÇÖs Talk About Vivienne: The Top Political Fashion Moments On WestwoodÔÇÖs Runway.

Review: Welsh National OperaÔÇÖs La Boh├¿me

25th September 2022 at Wales Millennium Center Words by Billy Edwards I was at first nervous about seeing La┬áBoheme┬ábecause of┬áitÔÇÖs very nature as an opera. As I had never seen one before,┬áyou could forgive me for feeling nervous about it. The public perception of the form signifies a certain stuffiness, held only in esteem by the oldest generations and ÔÇô daresay ÔÇôconsisting of long, boring … Continue reading Review: Welsh National OperaÔÇÖs La Boh├¿me