The Best Veggie Items in Cardiff’s Meatiest Restaurants

It can be hard being a vegetarian when all of your family and friends prefer a good olÔÇÖ steak, especially when dining out. Although it might be off-putting when you heard the word ÔÇÿsteakhouseÔÇÖ, nowadays thereÔÇÖs always something on the menu for us herbivores. WeÔÇÖve handpicked some of the best veggie options in some of CardiffÔÇÖs meatiest restaurants so you never have to worry about … Continue reading The Best Veggie Items in Cardiff’s Meatiest Restaurants

Review: Honest Burgers, Church Street

By Lauren Stenning and Katie Duffin Disclaimer: Honest Burgers provided Quench with a complimentary meal in exchange for a review. Burgers themselves are a pretty mainstream American cuisine, so for a restaurant specialising in burgers to stand out, there has to be something unique about what theyÔÇÖre serving up. And honestly, Honest Burgers have nailed it. First of all, their menu consists of a monthly … Continue reading Review: Honest Burgers, Church Street

The Welsh ‘Port to Plate’ Project

By Luke Griffiths The Port to Plate initiative was recently launched this February at JAM in Cardiff Bay. The purpose is to create a distinctiveness around the identity of Welsh seafood and help to support the industry, from fishing to selling. The aim of the project is to increase public awareness around Welsh seafood (#WelshSeafood), ranging from different types of fish and shellfish, which are … Continue reading The Welsh ‘Port to Plate’ Project

Welsh Delights

By Katie Duffin Most people who come to live in Wales seem to develop a special place in their hearts for GodÔÇÖs country. In lieu of St DavidÔÇÖs day, which celebrates all that is Welsh, why not try your hand at some delicious Welsh recipes? TheyÔÇÖre simple, easy to make and delicious. Cawl If you havenÔÇÖt tried cawl yet, please do so for your own … Continue reading Welsh Delights

Review: Milkwood, Pontcanna

Words by Peter Wolinski On the show Harry and Paul, thereÔÇÖs one sketch where Harry Enfield plays a long haired, artistic bloke who runs a boutique in a gentrified area of London called ÔÇ£I saw you comingÔÇØ. He sells cheap tat to the pre-2010s stereotype of an upper middle class ÔÇÿyummy mummyÔÇÖ who is glad to pay vastly inflated prices for something relatively worthless, so … Continue reading Review: Milkwood, Pontcanna

Review: The Ivy

by Katie Duffin ÔÇ£YouÔÇÖre going to the Ivy? IsnÔÇÖt that the posh restaurant in London?!ÔÇØ My mum asked with raised eyebrows. Originally, yes, and as you walk in you can see theyÔÇÖve definitely brought a shedload of that chic London style with them to little old Wales. The Ivy Brasserie is popping up everywhere these days, from Brighton to Glasgow ÔÇö and most recently, Cardiff. … Continue reading Review: The Ivy

Review: Nook, Cowbridge

Peter Wolinski kindly reviewed Nook for Quench. Browsing Tripadvisor is extremely entertaining. IÔÇÖve no idea what possesses anyone in their right mind to waste their spare time by navigating to the site, creating an account, and then writing one line of nonsensical, misguided drivel about some minor tourist attraction. But IÔÇÖm glad that something makes them do it… ÔÇ£We stayed for weekend was so nosey … Continue reading Review: Nook, Cowbridge

ÔÇ£Why arenÔÇÖt you drinking?ÔÇØ The question everyone asks but no one should have to answer

Disclaimer: I have not done Dry January and I donÔÇÖt intend to stop drinking anytime soon. The cleansing month of January is now over, and so the tolerance for people not drinking alcohol is about to slip away. It seems that the expectation for alcohol consumption always creeps back in after Dry January, but why? I decided to write this article after noticing the reaction … Continue reading ÔÇ£Why arenÔÇÖt you drinking?ÔÇØ The question everyone asks but no one should have to answer

New Year’s Foodie Resolutions

Quench couldn’t let the turning of a decade go by without setting some extra-special foodie resolutions. Words by Ellie Hutchings For the last couple of years, Veganuary has had a surge in popularity. As a vegetarian already, it seemed only natural that I give it go. I know a handful of people whoÔÇÖve become full-time vegans after trying Veganuary and, for me, thatÔÇÖs all the … Continue reading New Year’s Foodie Resolutions

Review: Wild Thing, Grangetown

Peter Wolinski kindly reviewed Wild Thing for Quench. I thank the heavens each day that I met my partner after she became a vegetarian. As the son of a Pole, and therefore a vociferous meatatarian, such a conversion dans relationship wouldÔÇÖve ended in each party being disappointed in the other; her displeased with me for not following suit, me with her for abandoning lamb shank. … Continue reading Review: Wild Thing, Grangetown

Cardiff Crime is Costing Us Our Beloved Eateries

Words by Katie Duffin In recent months, many of CardiffÔÇÖs favourite restaurants and cafes have fallen victim to a series of burglaries and break-ins. Bloc Coffee and Wild Thing are just two establishments that have been targeted by groups of thieves, and have been left with heavy hearts and mounting repair fees. Many businesses around the city are now working alongside South Wales Police, in … Continue reading Cardiff Crime is Costing Us Our Beloved Eateries

Student Foodgram: STARVINGALLDAY

This Student Foodgram series has enabled Quench to showcase the best of Cardiff students’ creativity when it comes to cooking, photography and use of social media. We hope you’ve enjoyed discovering these accounts, where our fellow students’ passion for food shines through their Instagram, as much as we have! Maybe the series of interviews has even inspired you to start your own foodgram…Read what our … Continue reading Student Foodgram: STARVINGALLDAY

Review: Vivo Latino, Canton

Peter Wolinski kindly reviewed Vivo Latino for Quench. An annoying culinary trope is the use of the pan- prefix. The worst application is pan-fried, primarily used instead of deep- or shallow-fried to tart something up that otherwise sounds rather boring. Masterchef are seasoned offenders: ÔÇ£Barry is serving pan-fried boeuf with twice cooked potato strips.ÔÇØ Translation: Barry is cooking steak and chips. Close behind is pan-[insert … Continue reading Review: Vivo Latino, Canton

Student Foodgram: cookingincathays

For the third foodgram of the series, Quench interviewed Cardiff student food blogger, Carys, who features a mixture of homemade meals and restaurant dishes on her colourful Instagram page. Words by Carys Wigley How long have you had your foodgram for and what inspired you to start it? IÔÇÖve had my foodgram for five months. I often eat out and love trying new places but … Continue reading Student Foodgram: cookingincathays

Review: The Dough Thrower, Cowbridge

Cardiff Masters student, Peter Wolinski, kindly reviewed The Dough Thrower for Quench. By Peter Wolinski There isnÔÇÖt much that tops a stodge binge. Whether itÔÇÖs whilst youÔÇÖre drastically hungover on the sofa, at a late-night takeaway or perhaps out somewhere slightly more cultured, bolting down a dangerous amount of carbohydrate is rarely an unenjoyable experience. And one evening, after a particularly miserable Cardiff afternoon, my … Continue reading Review: The Dough Thrower, Cowbridge

Review: The Coconut Tree ÔÇÿCocotailÔÇÖ Launch

Words by Lauren Stenning Having previously reviewed this Sri Lankan restaurantÔÇÖs divine food, Quench were invited to sample their recent cocktail launch, aptly named ÔÇÿCocotailsÔÇÖ. Being a huge cocktail fan, I couldnÔÇÖt resist this opportunity, along with the chance to try Sri Lankan street food for the first time! Their new Cocotail menu consists of 15 sweet and fiery cocktails in total, including sharing options … Continue reading Review: The Coconut Tree ÔÇÿCocotailÔÇÖ Launch