Placebo @ CIA 24/11/2022

Words by Tabitha Murrell I was first introduced to Placebo by the┬áever-dramatic┬á1999┬áfilm┬áadaptation┬áof Pierre Choderlos de┬áLaclos’ 1782 novel┬áLes Liaisons┬ádangereuses. Cruel Intentions‘┬áopening scene streams┬áacross a graveyard and then up to the iconic┬áNew York┬ácity skyline. Ryan Phillipe (swoon) is seen driving over┬áBrooklyn┬áBridge in his┬ábeautifully┬árecognisable┬áblack┬ávintage┬áJaguar XK140 – the car is as much a plot device as the┬áfilm’s┬ásoundtrack, which of course begins with the blasting of Placebo’s┬áhit from the same … Continue reading Placebo @ CIA 24/11/2022

Interview with Bootysale: A Year On

Words and Photos by Laura Schjoett ItÔÇÖs been a whole year since Cardiff graduate Micha opened her fashion re-sell business Bootysale. Situated on the ground floor of the Cardiff StudentÔÇÖs Union, the clothing store has become a staple part of the arcade and is frequented by many students daily. It is hard not to be drawn in by the fabulous clothes, or by Bonnie ÔÇÿthe … Continue reading Interview with Bootysale: A Year On

Spear of Destiny @ The Globe 23/11/2022

Words and photos by Alice Lumley On potentially one of the coldest and stormiest nights in Cardiff, I had the pleasure of going to see Spear of Destiny at a beloved Cardiff venue, The Globe. The Globe is one of my favourite venues in Cardiff as the staff are lovely, the venue is small and intimate but not too crowded and the drinks are cheap … Continue reading Spear of Destiny @ The Globe 23/11/2022

Jamie T @ Great Hall 21/11/2022

Words and photos by Rubie Barker On the night that Wales played their first World Cup game in 54 years, Jamie T took to CardiffÔÇÖs Great Hall. While some football fans were clearly torn about where to focus their attention as we waited, they still showed up in vast numbers to see the Indie Rock icon.  86TVs are supporting Jamie on this tour, formed this … Continue reading Jamie T @ Great Hall 21/11/2022

Lauran Hibberd and Sea Girls @ Great Hall 22/11/2022

Words and photos by Poppy Atkinson Gibson The Great Hall of the SU was pretty full and getting fuller by the minute as Lauran Hibberd strode on stage with her statement pigtails and billowing pink dress. The crowd, who were steadily shuffling into position, were a mix of new out of the box fresher fans and clear long time lovers of Hibberd, which made for … Continue reading Lauran Hibberd and Sea Girls @ Great Hall 22/11/2022

‘Tis The Season Of Cosy Meals And Comfort Foods

Nights are starting to draw in and you are trudging home from lectures in the dark, howling wind with wet leaves stuck to the bottom of your shoes. You find that all you want to do is curl up on the sofa and rewatch your favourite film, with an even better bowl of food to bring back that warm feeling that gradually disappeared with the summer weather. However, tempting as it may be to order in a pizza, nothing can compare to a … Continue reading ‘Tis The Season Of Cosy Meals And Comfort Foods

The Legacy of Meghan Markle

Words by Georgina Whitehead Meghan Markle is without a doubt one of the most talked about people in the world, and whatever your opinion of her may be, she is unavoidable and constantly trending on social media. Her interview with The Cut was released on the 29th August 2022, just over a week before the Queen died, since then other articles have been released alongside … Continue reading The Legacy of Meghan Markle

Last Night a DJ Ruined My Night: Profanity in Music

The ÔÇÿBitchÔÇÖ is a constant and repetitive figure within the music industry. Whether she is being denounced as a perpetrator of promiscuity, discarded as money-hungry and manipulative, or paving her way through life on her own terms, the message is clear: It always comes back to the Bitch. Listeners are now immune to a word that, may we remind ourselves, was originally used in the … Continue reading Last Night a DJ Ruined My Night: Profanity in Music

Review: Florence and the Machine @ CIA 16/11/22

Molly Openshaw On the 16th of November, Florence and the Machine kick-started their U.K. portion of the third leg of the Dance Fever tour at Cardiff International Arena. This is FlorenceÔÇÖs first tour back since the pandemic with their last tour being the High as Hope tour in 2018. Florence and the Machine released their fifth studio album, Dance Fever, in May 2022.┬á Despite the … Continue reading Review: Florence and the Machine @ CIA 16/11/22

Truss Broken: The Fall of Liz Truss

Words by Megan Huws On the 20th of October 2022, Liz Truss resigned as Prime Minister, after the shortest premiership in British history. In the brief but eventful 45 days that she was in office, which is shorter than the leadership contest that allowed her to be Prime Minister, she mourned the death of Queen Elizabeth II and celebrated the coronation of King Charles III. … Continue reading Truss Broken: The Fall of Liz Truss

Travel Podcast Recommendations To Get You Through The Winter Term

When deadlines loom and the temperature cools, you know youÔÇÖre in November. While booking a flight to somewhere random and running away from everything is oh-so palatable, it’s hard to do. Best way to escape the stress of life? Travel podcasts. ‘The Travel Podcast’ by Travel Podcast Society My personal favourite is ÔÇÿThe Travel PodcastÔÇÖ by the Travel Podcast Society. It provides both reviews and … Continue reading Travel Podcast Recommendations To Get You Through The Winter Term

Is OnlyFans The New Uni Side Hustle?

In the wake of the cost-of-living crisis that is ever present in this country, people are struggling more and more to heat their homes, put food on the table and pay their rent, and it doesnÔÇÖt get much better for students here in the UK. Aside from racking up thousands of pounds in debt from tuition fees and various loans, students are also expected to … Continue reading Is OnlyFans The New Uni Side Hustle?

My Body, Who’s Choice? The Overthrow of Roe V Wade

Words by Izzy Copland In 1973, in a room filled with the men of the United States Supreme Court, a ÔÇÿJane RoeÔÇÖ succeeded in winning her lawsuit for the constitutional right to an abortion. It was one of the greatest steps towards equality of the sexes since the right to vote in 1920, and it seemed like a landslide victory for pro-choice activists that had … Continue reading My Body, Who’s Choice? The Overthrow of Roe V Wade

Image of a phone with the second-hand clothing app Depop being deleted.

Depop Is Getting Deleted: Why It’s No Longer Being Loaded

Words by Rubie Barker For those looking to start shopping more sustainably, Depop has long been a place to turn. With an interface designed for an app, for a long time, it dominated the second-hand clothing market among the younger generations, with a cleaner feel than eBay and far less hassle. But last year it was announced that the company, founded in 2011, would be … Continue reading Depop Is Getting Deleted: Why It’s No Longer Being Loaded

Review: Don’t Worry Darling

Words By Caitlin Evans IÔÇÖm Worried, Darling *THIS REVIEW CONTAINS SPOILERS* The drama surrounding Olivia WildeÔÇÖs latest release, DonÔÇÖt Worry, Darling, has been unavoidable recently. It all began with the controversy over the casting decisions (Harry Styles, IÔÇÖm looking at you), and has since spiralled into a seemingly never-ending stream of negative claims, so-called arguments, and drama. This hasnÔÇÖt overshadowed the film itself, however, and … Continue reading Review: Don’t Worry Darling

Review: Deaf Havana @ Tramshed 08/11/2022

Words and photos by Ashley Thieme The last time English alternative rock band Deaf Havana played in Cardiff was 2019, before live shows came to a standstill. However, this time around the previously four-piece band is now fronted by two brothers, James and Matthew Veck-Gilodi. In a statement put out by the band in November 2021 they revealed uncertainty surrounding the future of the band, … Continue reading Review: Deaf Havana @ Tramshed 08/11/2022

Cardiff’s Got Cake: The Great Cardiff Bake Off

There is something so wholesome about a bakery. Whether you visit for your morning coffee, to pick up a treat to get you through your daily walk, or to catch up with friends, they are always a good idea. When it comes to bakeries Cardiff has a lot to offer. We have round up some of our favourites, which we recommend you try this autumn.  … Continue reading Cardiff’s Got Cake: The Great Cardiff Bake Off

The Women’s Prize For Fiction – Why We Still Need It

Written by Rubie Barker ÔÇ£The UKÔÇÖs most prestigious annual book award celebrating & honouring fiction written by womenÔÇØ – thatÔÇÖs how the Women’s Prize for Fiction describes itself on its website. For 27 years, the award has been a respected and prestigious award in the world of fiction and publishing, with anticipation surrounding the longlist, shortlist and winner each year. Yet in recent years there … Continue reading The Women’s Prize For Fiction – Why We Still Need It