Paloma Faith @ Motorpoint Arena Cardiff- Live Review (18/10/21)

Words by Rowan Davies I just wanted to give a pleasant reminder that we did once used to be saner than we are nowÔÇÖ; Paloma Faith addresses her crowd as she takes to the stage for her Cardiff gig, a delightful conclusion to a gloomy Monday in October and a refreshing way to start the week. When we were offered the opportunity to attend Paloma … Continue reading Paloma Faith @ Motorpoint Arena Cardiff- Live Review (18/10/21)

What IÔÇÖll be wearingÔÇô autumn lectures edition

Our contributors Maja and Emma have let us know what they’re going to be wearing this autumn time! Upon realising that my seminars were going to be in person this year, my immediate thought was what am I going to wear? Having taken up knitting during the lockdown, I was inspired by this hobby in my first choice of garment: a knitted sweater vest. I … Continue reading What IÔÇÖll be wearingÔÇô autumn lectures edition

Girls Night In: The Nationwide Movement to Combat an ÔÇÿEpidemicÔÇÖ

After over a year of being in a national lockdown, the long-awaited reopening of clubs was definitely onmany minds. However, the fear of spiking is something that remains unparalleled and extremelyprevalent within our society today and more recently, in Cardiff. A night out is something you would expect to enjoy with your friends ÔÇô a chance to escape your uni workor even just get out … Continue reading Girls Night In: The Nationwide Movement to Combat an ÔÇÿEpidemicÔÇÖ

Matsudai Ramen – Uncle Roger Approved!

Most peopleÔÇÖs midlife crises end with them slumped over a bar counter, sporting an attractive beer belly and unshaven whiskers.  James Chant is not like most people.  After becoming disillusioned with the music industry work heÔÇÖd been doing all his life, James decided to stop making music and start making ramen. Which in all honesty, is a wise decision, if you ask me. Music might … Continue reading Matsudai Ramen – Uncle Roger Approved!

Pam ddylen ni siarad y Gymraeg?

Alexa Price Yn anffodus maeÔÇÖr canrifoedd diwethaf wedi gweld lleihad sylweddol yn y nifer o siaradwyr yr iaith Cymraeg yng Nghymru. Esblygodd yr iaith Cymraeg oÔÇÖr ieithoedd Llydewig a Chernyweg, sydd yn dyddio yn ├┤l i ddiwrnodau’r Celtiaid. Cymraeg felly yw un o ieithoedd henaf Ewrop. MaeÔÇÖr iaith wedi chwarae rhan fawr yn helpu siapio ein hanes a diwylliant cyfoethog, felly i weld yr iaith … Continue reading Pam ddylen ni siarad y Gymraeg?

Vinted ÔÇô is this new pre-loved shopping app as good as it claims to be?

Words by Josie Waddington As the harsh realities of fast fashion and its unethical practices have come to light, it is safe to say that the second-hand clothes movement is a positive and progressive step towards a sustainable society here in the UK. As a trend, vintage fashion has boomed significantly since the 2020 summer lockdown – specifically in young adults who would now probably … Continue reading Vinted ÔÇô is this new pre-loved shopping app as good as it claims to be?


Walking around Tate Modern in London, an installation made by Cildo Meireles, Babel, caught my attention. I found an impressive tower, built out of hundreds of radios, that interestingly helps to visualise the idea of consumerism. The Biblical Babel was intended to reach up to heaven. At the same time, it has become a symbol of arrogance of humans who wanted to get closer to … Continue reading IS IT POSSIBLE TO MANAGE YOUR PERSONAL CONSUMERISM?

Goodbye Scones, Hello Welsh Cakes

Welsh cakes are better than scones. There, I said it. TheyÔÇÖre infinitely superior to the dehydrated rocks that are scones. They also come without any cumbersome baggage, like the never-ending debate of which comes first – jam or cream. When dealing with a welsh cake, no spreads are needed; just open your trap and cram it in. Then you inadvertently have to reach for another … Continue reading Goodbye Scones, Hello Welsh Cakes

The Best Takeaways in South Wales for Your Next Weekend Treat

Featured image by Jake Colling (via unsplash) Nothing beats a takeaway to enjoy some of the best food Cardiff and Swansea have to offer, so we’ve asked our contributors to tell us about some of their favourites! From sushi to vegan chicken, there’s something for everyone here in South Wales! Chilli Flames – by Clara Boon There is a plethora of takeaways in Cardiff to … Continue reading The Best Takeaways in South Wales for Your Next Weekend Treat

‘The Thing I’m Most Looking Forward to Doing After I Get the Vaccine Is…’

Yesterday (Tuesday 18th May 2021) it was announced by the Cardiff and Vale University Health Board that everybody over the age of 18 can expect their letter of invitation to be vaccinated arriving by the end of this week; with the aim of all first-dose appointments taking place before May 30th. This incredible step is sure to be reassuring to many young adults across Wales, … Continue reading ‘The Thing I’m Most Looking Forward to Doing After I Get the Vaccine Is…’

Mask Off?

Words by: Clarissa Boon Covid-19 introduced many unfamiliar new practices into our daily lives, such as wiping down groceries and wearing masks out and about. To an OCD sufferer like myself, the governmentÔÇÖs repeated emphasis on hand-washing heightened my fears of becoming unwell. Armed with some gloves and Dettol antibacterial wipes, I became obsessed with trying to hunt down and slay the invisible enemy. I … Continue reading Mask Off?

Review: The Best of Cardiff Bubble Tea

Image by Rosalind Chang (via Unsplash) Words by Molly Allen I adore bubble tea. Originating in Taiwan, the drink consists of a tea base and comes in a multitude of flavours. From creamy milk teas to refreshing fruit flavours, the drink is incredibly versatile! The tea also typically comes with toppings. Tapioca pearls, popping balls and jelly are just some of the toppings available, and … Continue reading Review: The Best of Cardiff Bubble Tea

Supporting Others in the Pandemic: The Cardiff Students Volunteering Through COVID-19

By Eva Rodericks In a time of extreme difficulty for many, whether that be financially, emotionally or physically, Cardiff students have been doing their bit to support the national effort and fight against the effects of the pandemic.  Essential Goods Collection for The Trussell Trust Following the tireless campaigning by Manchester United and England football star Marcus Rashford, the government has taken a U-turn on … Continue reading Supporting Others in the Pandemic: The Cardiff Students Volunteering Through COVID-19

The Best Independent Jewellery Shops in Cardiff

Words and images by Mazy Wyeth The city of Cardiff is well-known for the vibrancy of its city centre which contains an array of shops, ranging from retail giants Urban Outfitters and Bershka to the small, independent shops located in the depths of the cities various arcades. Amongst these arcades lie CardiffÔÇÖs jewellery shops that are often hidden from view due to their small size … Continue reading The Best Independent Jewellery Shops in Cardiff

UniHomes Student Competition: Cultivating Student Cultural Interests

Written by Megan Evans Back in November, the student website UniHomes, which promotes a whole host of housing listings across Cardiff, and other student cities across the UK, decided to host a competition which allowed students to engage with the brand, and inject a buzz during the uncertainty of the climate in which we are still facing daily. The university culture that encompasses so much … Continue reading UniHomes Student Competition: Cultivating Student Cultural Interests

The Alchemist Swap Shop

Words and Image By Indigo Jones On October 13th, CardiffÔÇÖs hub for extravagant and magical cocktails, The Alchemist is teaming up with Grey Goose and social enterprise Foodinate to collect donations for foodbanks. They are calling for people to bring in non-perishable items of food and in exchange donators will receive a free cocktail. So, you are not only raising awareness of food poverty and the … Continue reading The Alchemist Swap Shop