Seasonal Eating: A Love Letter To Soups And Stews

words by Cariad Jones Why arenÔÇÖt Brussels sprouts a staple on a cooked dinner all year round? I get it ÔÇô theyÔÇÖre the marmite of vegetables (my mum hates them, my sister loves them, you know the drill), but why do the arguments only seem to start in December? Is there some strange tradition stemming from an odd thing an aristocrat did at a yuletide … Continue reading Seasonal Eating: A Love Letter To Soups And Stews

Four Recipes To Get The Most Out Of Your Pumpkin

words by Alisha Ratcliffe Its finally pumpkin season! As the autumn wind rolls in, we’re heading towards that cozy time of year when the unusual bright orange fruit is ready for harvest. However, it is usually forgotten that pumpkins can be made into various delicious meals and snacks rather than just being carved. So, IÔÇÖm here to tell you about four ways that you can … Continue reading Four Recipes To Get The Most Out Of Your Pumpkin

bigmoose coffee co.ÔÇô Review and Q&A

words by Eve Davies bigmoose is no average coffee company, their story goes deep, and their purpose is admirable. We were lucky to be invited down to the shop for some [great] coffee, [delicious] homemade food, and a chat about what bigmoose is all about. Situated in the centre of Cardiff just off Queen Street, bigmoose coffee co. is a thriving, non-profit coffee shop. They … Continue reading bigmoose coffee co.ÔÇô Review and Q&A

A Love Letter to ‘In Cafe’

As a vegan in Cardiff, there is absolutely no shortage of great places to eat ÔÇô Got No Beef for all your junk food needs; Blanche Bakery for insta-worthy cakes and brunch; and Anna Loka for delicious wholefood-based dishes and smoothies. All that being said, sometimes itÔÇÖs not about going out, sometimes a takeaway is exactly what you need. With Valentines and Chinese New Year … Continue reading A Love Letter to ‘In Cafe’

Covid-Era Valentines: Intimate Meals > Fancy Restaurants

My partner and I celebrated our first ValentineÔÇÖs Day together at the height of the Coronavirus pandemic in 2021. We knew going into the new year that our first celebration wouldnÔÇÖt be what we had really expected, but were simultaneously optimistic that we could make it one to remember. Admittedly, I am not the top chef in the relationship; so when my partner revealed his … Continue reading Covid-Era Valentines: Intimate Meals > Fancy Restaurants

Review: Corfu by Night – From Corfu to Cathays

Corfu by Night is a new, up and coming restaurant and cocktail bar, bringing the distinct flavours of Corfu to the Cardiff community. They describe Corfu as a ÔÇÿbridge to our Italian neighboursÔÇÖ that for centuries has traded with other surrounding peninsulas, making its identity unique and its food inspired by other diverse and fruitful cultures.   The setting replicates a classic Greek taverna with white … Continue reading Review: Corfu by Night – From Corfu to Cathays

What Will Be Trending in the World of Food and Drink in 2022?

Thanks to apps like TikTok, this past year we have seen so many foods trending online. Many of which have made their way into peopleÔÇÖs go-to recipes…baked oats and feta pasta anyone? But the vast majority are short-lived fad foods. I mean, who really wants to chew down on frozen honey or tuck into a bowl of ÔÇÿnatureÔÇÖs cerealÔÇÖ? Spoiler alert, itÔÇÖs essentially just fruit salad.  … Continue reading What Will Be Trending in the World of Food and Drink in 2022?

TisÔÇÖ the Season to be Vegan – Veganizing Festive Favourites

Traditional Christmas food brings to mind different kinds of meats stuffed inside of each other, creamy and rich desserts, and fancy cheese and canap├®s. Whilst there are a lot of shop-bought vegan alternatives on the market these days, there are ways we can easily veganize festive foods ourselves at home.   Here are some small treats, perfect for Christmas Eve, Day or New Year to … Continue reading TisÔÇÖ the Season to be Vegan – Veganizing Festive Favourites

My Perfect Christmas Dinner

My housemate recently asked me what my last meal would be. I said a roast, but more specifically, Christmas dinner. It is honestly my favourite thing. However, a roast can be excellent, but it can also be awful ÔÇô there is a fine line between masterpieces and failures. This is my perfect Christmas dinner; with all the trimmings and extras you might not think to … Continue reading My Perfect Christmas Dinner

Festive Ice Creams ÔÇô The Good, The Bad and The Ugly

By Niamh Newman Although not usually a huge ice cream fan, the oxymoronic concept of a festive ice cream intrigues me. So, whilst doing my weekly shop in Lidl, I knew exactly what I had to do when I spotted their festive Mince Pie and Gingerbread flavours as part of their Deluxe Christmas range. Priced at a hefty ┬ú1.99 per tub, cheaper than the beloved Ben and … Continue reading Festive Ice Creams ÔÇô The Good, The Bad and The Ugly

Review: Yakitori 1 – A Hidden Gem in the Bay

This week I was lucky enough to try out Yakitori┬á1ÔÇÖs fabulous menu, and boy was it delicious!┬áWhen we received a┬áDM┬áinviting us down to the Bay, my eyes lit up at the Instagram notification. Japanese food is one of my┬áfavourite┬ácuisines, and with the plentiful sushi options we have in Cardiff I had not had a chance to try Yakitori 1 yet ÔÇô so I am┬ávery┬ágrateful┬áfor this┬áopportunity.┬á … Continue reading Review: Yakitori 1 – A Hidden Gem in the Bay

Get to Know Cardiff’s Food and Drink Societies

The immediate stress and chaos of post-freshers’ week slump; where time is just a construct and deadlines seem startlingly close, yet so far… is among us.  One way to get settled into the new academic year and really feel like your university experience is in full swing, is to explore the many societies that Cardiff has to offer. As readers of Quench Food IÔÇÖm sure you would appreciate hearing from our Food and Drink related societies … Continue reading Get to Know Cardiff’s Food and Drink Societies

Matsudai Ramen – Uncle Roger Approved!

Most peopleÔÇÖs midlife crises end with them slumped over a bar counter, sporting an attractive beer belly and unshaven whiskers.  James Chant is not like most people.  After becoming disillusioned with the music industry work heÔÇÖd been doing all his life, James decided to stop making music and start making ramen. Which in all honesty, is a wise decision, if you ask me. Music might … Continue reading Matsudai Ramen – Uncle Roger Approved!

How to Get Over Fresher’s Flu With Culinary Cures

Lemon & Ginger Tea with Honey  Words by Rosenwyn Dorrell It doesnÔÇÖt matter how you got it, all you know now is your throat hurts, you canÔÇÖt breathe through your nose, and youÔÇÖve prodded your tonsils with swabs enough to be assured that itÔÇÖs not Covid.  Yes, itÔÇÖs Freshers Flu.  The go-to method might be paracetamol and cough syrup, but turning to more┬áholistic┬áapproaches┬ácould be better for instant relief.┬á You may … Continue reading How to Get Over Fresher’s Flu With Culinary Cures

Goodbye Scones, Hello Welsh Cakes

Welsh cakes are better than scones. There, I said it. TheyÔÇÖre infinitely superior to the dehydrated rocks that are scones. They also come without any cumbersome baggage, like the never-ending debate of which comes first – jam or cream. When dealing with a welsh cake, no spreads are needed; just open your trap and cram it in. Then you inadvertently have to reach for another … Continue reading Goodbye Scones, Hello Welsh Cakes

Zero waste cooking: what to do and what not to do

Photo by Julia Kuzenkov on Unsplash Words by Muskan Arora Around 20 million people in the world die of hunger every year, and those of us fortunate enough to have three meals a day inevitably waste food. Apart from wasting food, we throw the peels of the fruits, meat bones and much more. The question arises, how and why is it important to use these … Continue reading Zero waste cooking: what to do and what not to do